Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Identity and Belonging Karen Ford May 14, 2012 Skin – directed by Anthony Fabian Skin has so much power on so many levels. It is both empowering and disabling. Protagonist Sandra Laing proves to be a survivor, but at what cost? She is alienated from her family, her home and her identity because of South Africa’s ‘‘Population Regeneration Act’’. For a long time xenophobia, fear and racism have been enmeshed and hidden within government policy. The issues explored in Skin are no different to those sometimes raised in connection with British settlement of Australia, the stolen generation and Australia’s asylum seeker policies.More specifically, a court case last year in which commentator Andrew Bolt was accused of racial vilification touched on attitudes reflected in Skin. Mr Bolt’s comments regarding ‘‘fair-skinned Aboriginal people’’ were found to be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act. A theme in b oth the Bolt case and Skin is the way skin colour is used as a weapon against individuals and their rights as human beings. One of the ‘‘disabling’’ elements of Skin is that so much of the South African landscape looks so much like the Australian outback.It is ironic that the beauty of the landscape is countered by the ugliness of racism where the rights of individuals to belong are less valued than the fear of those powerful few. Is the landscape the only aspect we have in common? Sandra’s question — What did I do wrong? — could also be the question posed by any person rejected and isolated on the basis of ‘‘difference’’. Sandra is neither white nor black, and as a result is denied a happy life. Though the film traces her life over 30 years, with legislative change along the way, a more entrenched culture of discrimination remains.Though the end of the film brings happiness to Sandra, with her tuck shop, doesn ’t the fact that her two brothers refuse to have contact with her suggest a lamentation for true equality and the existence of persecution? In some ways, Skin is more about Sandra’s father than it is about her. He is a very complex character who insists justice be pursued. But what kind of justice is it that is based on denial? Abraham’s insistence on having Sandra reclassified ‘‘white’’ is not so much for her benefit. He admits he is doing it ‘‘for all of us’’.To have the young Sandra attend a white school and be subjected to furious media inquiries and to drag her to face a courtroom does not suggest an understanding of her needs as much as his pursuit of legal justice. Abraham needs her to be ‘‘white’’ to assuage his own ‘‘black genes’’ and racist philosophy. Working with the Text Skin is all about identity. Sandra is ‘‘born’’ one thing but ‘‘taught’’ she is another. Throughout the film she is ‘‘punished’’ for committing a crime — that of being neither black nor white.Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that her own family rejects her because she does not conform to the ‘‘Afrikaans’’ ways inherent in the National Party to which her family belongs. The nature-nurture divide is reinforced throughout the film and the idea that ‘‘without connection to others there is no me’’ (2011 VCAA English Exam) can be linked to the film in many ways. It is skin that causes tension with her father; it is skin that causes her to be humiliated in school and to gravitate towards the black workers on her farm.It is skin that forms an attachment to Petrus, the black employee and first male to show her any sense of happiness and comfort; it is skin that ultimately causes her to be abused by her husband and which made her a ref erence point for the multiracial elections of 1994 and the victory by Mandela’s African National Congress. Living among the black community, Sandra is confronted with racism from within — a racism created by racism. After the Government Issue destruction of the homes, Sandra and Petrus are exiled into the bush along with the many others exiled on the basis of their skin.One can understand Petrus’ frustration and malaise as he rejects Sandra because she is white. There is truth in his alcohol-infused dirge: ‘‘They treat us like animals †¦ and we’re supposed to believe we’re human †¦ ’’ The audience must wonder how anyone is this predicament would feel a sense of belonging. Indeed, several instances in the film reinforce Sandra’s literal and metaphorical nomadism. She is shown coming to and leaving an environment; she is shown walking over the country and back again to find a place where she can belong.Sandr a is constantly moving or being moved to find a ‘‘home’’. Even at the end of the film, when Sandra is shown happily working inside her rainbow-coloured tuck shop, it is a makeshift add-on to her brick unit. So where does that leave the text and the prompt? What does Sandra have connection with? How does the film reflect the idea of connection and identity? Sandra wants only to connect. It is those around her who prevent her connection — hence preventing her happiness and sense of belonging.Prejudice and bigotry — even from her own family — are endemic in those who believe there is something wrong in being different, something to scorn and deride. Throughout the film, though, there is one place where Sandra finds a connection, and that is with other women. Sandra is supported and empowered by the women in the film, including the black workers on the family property. The bond of motherhood connects them and, regardless of location, women find support in other women. The women pass on her letters.It is her mother who struggles to maintain a relationship with her; it is Petrus’ mother who supports and cuddles her during their exile and it is her mother she seeks out following her abuse. It is the women who reflect the importance of belonging through kindness, compassion and nurturing. The power of women to override the political and cultural divide, and embrace connection, is the empowering force in Skin. In the end, the film confirms that connection does not have to mean a physical or even emotional connection. It can be a spiritual one, and this is what Skin celebrates.Sandra’s struggle is less about skin colour than it is about knowing that where we find happiness is where we belong. And for Sandra, that is a simple life helping, caring and supporting those less fortunate from her Rainbow Tuck Shop. Identity and Belonging – Sample prompts * Conflicts can strengthen our understanding of where we belong. * Belonging enriches and challenges identity. * Choosing not to belong may be detrimental but rewarding. ‘Identity and Belonging’ quotations list An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces nd uses his experience. (James Baldwin – Actor)) From the beginning each human embryo has its own genetic identity. (Robert Casey) The value of identity is that so often with it comes purpose. (Richard Grant – US writer) We all need a past – that’s where our sense of identity comes from. (Penelope Lively – English writer) I think history is inextricably linked to identity. If you don’t know your history, if you don’t know your family, who are you? (Mary Pipher) We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. (Buddha)You can’t change the past but you can change the way you view it. (Anon) To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greates t achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson What a man can be he must be. Abraham Maslow Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Kenyan Proverb Yes, your home is your castle, but it is also your identity and your possibility to open to others. David Soul – US writer We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to the human race. Kofi Annan – ex President of the United NationsBeing human signifies, for each one of us, belonging to a class, a society, a country, a continent and a civilization. Claude Levi-Strauss Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. Baghavid Gita The value of identity is that it so often with it comes purpose. Richard R. Grant Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. George Eliot Topic ‘Sometimes we learn more about ourselves from our enemies than from our friends. ’ ‘When you know who you are, you know where you belong. ’ ‘Without connection to other s there is no me. ’ ‘Having a sense of being different makes it difficult to belong. ’

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fasd

Running Head: FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder SWHB 405: Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1 ABSTRACT From conception to birth, the mother’s role in bringing to life and nurturing a healthy baby is paramount. Factors such as the mother’s biological, psychological and social environment play important roles in determining the wellbeing of a child. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, an irreversible condition in children caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy will be discussed.Its biological, psychological and societal implications will be deliberated and recommendations of interventions by Social Workers in alleviating the problem will be suggested. Key words: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Child Development Introduction All human life begins with a fertilized egg known as a zygote. By the eighth week, the zygote is transformed into a fetus which has m ost of its organs formed. After about 9 months (or 38 weeks) of going through transformation within the mother’s womb, the mother delivers a bouncing baby boy or girl into the world.During this time it is imperative that special care and attention is given to the mother and the child that she is carrying. Prenatal care ensures that the mother receives the much needed medical attention, nutritional advice and a positive life style tips. Particular attention is given unusual physiological and medical manifestations which could signal an array of life threatening situations for the mother and unborn child. The culmination of a successful pregnancy is the birth of a baby. Newborns weigh an average between 5. 5 and 9. pounds and they are awake and alert in first hours of life. Newborns begin learning their environment immediately and one of the things they internalize is developing a connection with the mother’s voice. The six states that a baby maintains are: quiet alert, active alert, crying state, drowsiness, quiet sleep, and active sleep (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Babies oscillate from an awakening curious baby, peak at crying when uncomfortable, and dip through to active sleep. These changes may occur slowly or rapidly throughout the course of any given day.Consequently, knowledge about this this critical life stage, helps parents to be better equipped to cope with and nurture the newborn. Risk factors during pregnancy and at birth Various physiological changes in a pregnant mother may cause or indicate a risk for both mother and child. A case in point is bleeding in the first trimester or late in the pregnancy which could mean possible loss of the child or neurological issues. In some instances, natural toxins could build in the mother’s bodies leading to high blood pressure and weight gain which may be fatal to the mother (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012).Further, an increased weight of the mother could bring on diabetes in the child, while low we ight of the child could be a precursor to mental retardation. Biological factors that may affect the fetus’ development during pregnancy include the mother’s age, the number of children prior and how far apart she has had each child (Boyce, 2010). Environmental factors, such as living conditions, diet deficiencies, and the emotional well-being of the mother can all affect the baby during its 38 week development.Pregnant women should be mindful of substances ingested during pregnancy as these are subsequently ingested by the fetus and affect its development. This is exemplified by studies demonstrating that women who drink caffeine tend to have a lower birth rate than women who avoid caffeine (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Other substances that could affect fetal development by causing birth deformities, premature births and possible hyperactivity include tobacco, over the counter medications, hormones and alcohol.Prenatal care there has been shown to dramatically improve th e chances of having a healthy baby. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of certain complications during birth can have lasting repercussions on a child’s life. An example is anoxia, a deficiency of oxygen during birth that could lead to the newborn developing cerebral palsy. Alcohol’s relevance in pregnancy, birth and the newborn Alcohol is a teratogen; an agent or factor that induces or increases the incidence of abnormal prenatal development (Shiel, 2010).Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is manifested in a continuum of disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) (Warren & Murray, in press). The most severe form of this spectrum referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). An alarming statistic from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies shows that 0. 2 to 2 cases per 1000 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Since FASD presents a broad spectrum of symptoms some of which are â€Å"less severe†, it rem ains challenging to diagnose (Fleisher, 2010). As a result, FASD among children is either misdiagnosed or remains undetected.On the other hand, it is relatively easier to identify the key diagnostic features of FAS are they are better established. FASD is prevalent worldwide because alcohol is so widely accepted and used in so many cultures. The teratogenic effects of alcohol were not established until the second half of the 20th century when pediatrician, Paul Lemoine, in France in 1967 and two American pediatric dysmorphologists, Kenneth Lyons Jones and David Smith in 1973, independently documented the pattern of deficits resulting from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (Warren & Murray, in press).Alcohol was attributed because the children in both settings had common patterns of deficits and it was observed that all of the birth mothers had been diagnosed with alcohol use disorders Biological manifestations The teratogenic effects of alcohol adversely affect the physical developmen t of the fetus and the child. Newborns and children with FAS generally exhibit stunted growth (CDC. Gov, 1983). A distinguishing feature of children with severe FASD and FAS is facial and limb dysmorphology.These children are generally shorter in stature and weigh less than their peers (Warren & Murray, in press). The cardinal or discriminating features include short palpebral fissures (eye opening), an elongated and hypoplastic philtrum (groove between nose and upper lip), and a thin upper vermillion lip border or hypoplastic â€Å"cupid’s bow†. Other features include a low nasal bridge, epicanthal folds (skin folds covering inner corner of the eye), minor ear anomalies, and micrognathia (abnormal smallness of the jaws). Psychological consequencesFacial and limb dysmorphology in children affected by FASD and FAS may cause the child is usually aware that something is â€Å"different† about him or her and thus affect their psychological wellbeing. Additionally, c hildren with FASD have cognitive challenges leading to a myriad of problems such as the following: memory loss, impaired motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, impaired visual and spatial skills, intellectual impairment, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, problems with reasoning and judgment and an inability to appreciate consequences of actions (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007).Treatment and schooling can be very difficult for a child facing these challenges since their greatest challenge is learning and retaining information. Subsequently, the child may experience depression which can result in self-destructive behavior such as substance abuse, inappropriate sexual behavior, and suicide Societal implications Families are affected immensely when a child is born with FASD/FAS since he/she may exhibit anti-social behavior including an exaggerated startle response, poor wake and sleep patterns, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, lying and stealing (Fleisher, 2010).Moreover, schools, local health care systems, childcare and social services, and the justice system are usually ill-equipped to address the problems presented by FASD. As a result; a person with FASD may experience mental health problems, disrupted schooling, and involvement with crime, substance abuse, and dependent living and employment difficulties throughout their lifetime. As previously stated, the broad spectrum of manifestations of FASD makes it difficult to diagnose.Consequently, individuals suffering from FASD may not be properly diagnosed and are likely to be labeled social misfits and may spend a troubled life on the margins of society thus creating a monumental emotional burden on society (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007). Interventions to aid those affected by FASD These physical, mental, social, learning and behavioral limitations experienced by individuals with FASD have possible lifelong implications. Fortunately, there is help for both the individuals and their families provided by Social Service age ncies in form of resources and assistance needed to have a good quality of life.Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (1975), school aged children with disabilities (including those diagnosed with FAS) are provided with reasonable accommodations including untimed tests, sitting in front of the class, modified homework and the provision of necessary services and often the implementation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An IEP details services that will be provided to assist the child in learning and may include services like Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, and/or the provision of a classroom aide.These individuals often have social workers or case managers working with them to ensure that the services documented in the IEP’s are being provided and working effectively. Implications of FASD on Social Work FASD provides opportunities for Social Workers to play an important role in impacting positive change. Soc ial Workers could take the lead in screening for alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and educate them about the FASD (Boyce, 2010).Women who choose to continue drinking should be encouraged to use contraceptives to reduce the likelihood of giving birth to a child with FASD. Social Workers should also be actively involved in nutrition education to ensure that pregnant mothers are following balanced diet for optimum fetal development. Nutrition education should especially target participants of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as these populations’ income may limit their food choices.FASD often have significant lifelong deficits in functional life skills that can lead to problems with day to day functioning. In adulthood, these deficits can be manifested in mental health difficulties, disrupted job experiences, trouble with the law, substance abuse and difficulties with independent living. Hence Social Workers play the important role of advocating for individuals affected by FASD, helping them to navigate their immediate environment and linking them with support services (Warren & Murray, in press).Prevention of FASD is of great importance and this implies that Social Workers have the responsibility of mobilizing campaigns against drinking during pregnancy. This can be done through community education, incorporating medical personnel in research and preventive practice as well as holding alcohol producers accountable for posting health warning labels on publicity items. Conclusion Maternal alcohol use is a worldwide phenomenon that indiscriminately affects families and children of all ethnicities in all societies.Fortunately, it is possible to classify and tackle the treatment problems raised by individuals with FASD. The hope is that with continued research, education, and support from Social Service agencies, this problem can be prevented. While resources are available to help individu als and their families, it is important to know that the best treatment of FASD is prevention. It is not yet known the specific timing, frequency and quantity of alcohol use throughout the gestational period that are responsible FASD and FAS.Drinking early in the gestational period, before the woman even knows she is pregnant may present special risks for the developing embryo. Thus strategies to prevent alcohol use in pregnancy need to take into consideration that the prevalence of drinking by women of child-bearing age is on the rise in many parts of the world and most pregnancies are not planned. Bibliography CDC. Gov. (1983, January 13). Retrieved from Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Public Awareness Week: http://www. dc. gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000257. htm Ashford, J. B. , & Lecroy, C. W. (2012). Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Approach. Belmont, CA: Cole Cengage. Boyce, M. (2010, June). A Better F uture for Baby: Stemming the tide of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Journal of Family Practice, 59(6). Fleisher, S. (2010, May). Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Raising Awareness about Alcohol in Pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 18(5). Shiel, W. C. (2010, December 21). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.Retrieved from Medicinenet. com: http://www. medicinenet. com/fetal_alcohol_syndrome/article. htm Wacha, V. , & Obrzut, J. (2007, June). Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Neuropsychological Function. Journal of Development and Physical Disabilities, 19(3). Warren, K. , & Murray, M. (in press). Alcohol and Pregnancy: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol: Science, Policy and Public Health. ——————————————– [ 1 ].The purpose of prenatal care is to monitor the development, health and nutritional status of both the mother and the baby during the pregnancy to ensure an uncomplicated pregnancy and the delivery of a live and healthy infant. [ 2 ]. Some pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes (or gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM), a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy (especially during third trimester). [ 3 ]. Cerebral palsy is a term encompassing a group of non-progressive, non-contagious motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bush Sr & Clinton East Asian Security Approaches Essay Example for Free

Bush Sr & Clinton East Asian Security Approaches Essay President Bush via a main strategic reappraisal as well as continuing below president Clinton together with the U. S Secretaries of Defense Aspin and Perry. The previous administration tried and it is still trying to come into good terms with domestic pressures. It wants a calm dividend as well to adapt what the U. S has been always doing strategically to post cold war circumstances in a safe plus cautious way. All of this assists in helping to keep alive the rationales behind a United States bilateral security relationship with its Northeast Asian allies. Regardless of these echoes of the cold war, there is no one who can escape the truth that the cold war is presently over and that the Soviet Union does no longer exist. Furthermore, in Northeast Asia, also, the need has emerged to restructure U. S post Cold War alliances in order to make them fit the moments. A revision of the bilateral alliance relations goes on; there has been mounting interest in applying multilateral approaches towards the region’s issues. The Clinton administration did not have a well developed vision for what it intended to do in the Asia Pacific region during the time it entered the office. This seems to exactly know how it intended to deal with Asia by putting greater emphasis relatively within diplomacy as well security on a multilateral means over bilateral venues. During the first Clinton administration, inspiration regarding this approach appears to stalk from a bit reluctant admiration for the ways Southeast Asian states have tried to utilize multilateral techniques. The successes enjoyed by hatchling economic organizations in Asia such like the Pacific Basin Economic Council, the APEC forum and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. In any case, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia together with the Pacific Affairs Winston Lord signaled the administration of Clinton. They signaled because Clinton had an intention of relaxing past United States objections towards multilateralism. He intended to do this by stating the goal the administration had towards Asia Pacific region. The goal was just to develop the multilateral forums for safety consultations while maintaining the sold foundation of the alliances. President Clinton has put more emphasis on the multilateral theme when he emphasized the phrase which was â€Å"a new Pacific community†. Winston used this expression earlier on although President Clinton placed it at the center stage internationally. Tokyo gets preoccupied by domestic political turmoil. It got preoccupied because the Japanese seemed to be reluctant to let the well known aspects of their bilateral security go. During the President Clinton administration, was somehow captivated because of the repayments multilateralism tent to give. The major disparagement of the United States governmental enthusiasm came from PRC. Despite the fact that Chinese suspected the idea, there was no any sign that what the Clinton administration was carrying on amounted to a closet form of unilateralism. The prospect for Northeast Asian multilateralism is so challenging. President Clinton, tent to give support concerning multilateral approaches in dealing with the problems of East Asia’s security. In the earlier administration, multilateralism was refused in support of reliance entirely on the existing bilateral alliances. The good security framework for the region consisted of a fan together with its base in Northern America and radiating west across the Pacific. The administration of Clinton reaffirmed the existing security alliances. It called for new equipments multilateral in character which was to supplement the U. S bilateral arrangements in dealing with the present emerging security problems. Washington did not advocate developing new comprehensive agencies, for example the conference on security and cooperation in Asia or the Northeast Asia Treaty Organization within this context. The multilateral agencies are going to be constructed for specific problems and they will differ in membership and the structure as required due to the administration of Clinton. The emphasis on a return towards a more traditional approach to a foreign policy in Asia is actually a prominence on bilateral and unilateral initiatives against multilateral ones. A larger focus on narrow military security issues over economic together with the marginalization of newer issues such as health and environment. However, there was tension and twist in the bush’s administration. The tension was concerning the conflict among the open trade wing of the Republican Party. The tension really emphasizes admission to the markets in promotion of U. S corporate interests. It again emphasized on the more security oriented folks who recognized military threats as the overriding concern of United States policy in the region. As a result, the tension was well-defined in assembly than in the executive branch. Pressure was far above the ground in White House depending on Bush’s arrangements to the key economic posts. The pressure was on the treasury, the United States Trade Representatives together with the description of the National Economic Council. Interweave was not similar with traditional realists. Some members of Bush’s Asia overseas policy squad saw a responsibility for advancing electoral democracy abroad. They saw it as a way of enhancing the economic welfare along with the safety of the United States within the area. During the Clinton’s administration, he tried to position rhetorically more emphasis on the two Asia Pacific forums. He again put more emphasis on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Post Ministerial Conference plus the new ASEAN Regional Forum. As far as multilateralism is concerned, the Clinton administration expressed a readiness to pay attention in letting nations of the region decide on the regional problems instead of dictating them from Washington. Even if the Clinton administration acted in agreement with these promises they are still not clear. The idea of the President Clinton’s administration did not become a reality with reference to multilateral agencies in supplementing United States bilateral associations. It intended to give a framework for security dialogue as well as the cooperation. It wanted to do this by offering the potential to redress the most stressing aspects of the present approaches to achieving security objectives in East Asia. Bush has foreign policy advisers who had a significant experience about Asia. These advisers really shaped the Bush administration policy towards Asia; from the time Bush signified that he had a big personal interest in associations with Latin America and Europe. Relating to the economic issues, there is a slight difference linking the Clinton administration as well as the Bush administration. Bush seems to be more of an unconditional free trader. That means that even the present modest efforts at integrating environmental and labor matters into bilateral trade agreements will not be present from the Bush outline. This fact will be greeted with sighs of relief between the business leaders together with the region’s political leaders. The biggest change under Bush’s administration was a greater emphasis on intensifying the alliances. He wanted to intensify alliances on matters concerning bilateral with Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand. That created the establishment of the cold war-era security structural design in Asia. Bush noted that people must show the American powers and purpose in supporting Asian people. That meant that they must keep their promise to discourage violent behavior against the Republic of Korea as well as strengthening security ties with Japan. That was through expanding theater missile defenses between their allies. The main motivation for USG participation in East Asia has always been right of entry to the markets of Asia. In one way or the other the Bush administration determined to strengthen the United States and Japan alliance. He intended to strengthen them by encouraging Japan to play a significant role concerning security matters within the region. That includes the redefining assignment of Japan’s self-protection armed forces as well as paying more of the bills. It is not clear at all that there is support either in the area as a whole or within Japan for Japan to assume a better security task. From China’s opinion, Bush’s success raises the view of stronger White House assistance for theatre in addition to nationwide missile protection systems. His success again raises the advanced levels of United States arms supplies to Taiwan of which Beijing stubbornly opposes. Gore administration gave greater scope to organized labor than Bush White House. The AFL-CIO did not manage to prevent the Clinton administration against pursuing trade at no cost with China. Alternatively Japan has been far less pleased with the next term of the Clinton administration compared to China. Japan resented the downgrading of the United States associations as the keystone in Asia. Clinton’s administration gave acknowledgment on a regular basis to bilateral. He emphasized on U. S and South Korean initiatives within the current cautious steps in the direction of finishing the isolation of North Korea. It is said that President Clinton passed over Japan during his visit to Beijing which was done in the year 1998. There are some issues whereby the Bush administration differs drastically with the Clinton administration. It is said that the Clinton’s administration, there were actually some few foreign policy conquest stories. That was the negotiation of the established structure in the year 1994. North Korea arranged to chill its nuclear plan in trade for the structure of two nuclear reactors as well as fuel oil shipments. During the time when the United States had to follow the guide of South Korean President together with the North, connection eased and pressures on the neck of land were at their depths of despair in memory. During the administration of Bush it really threatened to demoralize the significant development which was made within this area. Congregational republicans over-involved time after time the implementation of the framework. It did this by preserving appropriations, even if South Korea and Japan provided the enormous bulk of the funds beneath the agreement. There are a good number of very essential continuities among the Clinton as well as the Bush administration concerning East Asian security policy. This should not surprise as much as the Clinton administration embraced a lot of bedrocks of post cold war East Asian. They inherited this from the first Bush administration which was actually based on long time United States interests. It might be surprising if at all there were not permanence across administration for the reason that the basics of the US security policy within East Asia really transcend administrations. It is very necessary to recall the aforesaid fundamentals of continuity since the Bush foreign policy team came to office. The Clinton administration had already a bad work with virtually every aspect of the East Asian security policy. It might be astonishing if at all there was no permanence within administrations for the reason that the basics of US security policy in East Asia go beyond administrations (Martin, 112). It is very essential to recall the aforementioned elements of continuity since the Bush foreign policy team appeared to the office. The Clinton administration did not do a good job with virtually every aspect of East Asia security policy. The only way to distinguish the Bush administration with the one for Clinton is that there was a lot of reticent to insist that the core of gravity of United States security policy within East Asia is the coalition with Japan. The Clinton administration was not sure whether China or Japan was significant. it was too preventive in connections with Taiwan even if in fairness, as far as security matters is concerned. The Clinton Defense Department started inquiring very seriously into the state of Taiwan’s defenses and it also started pressing Taiwan to recover the software characteristic of their defense attitude. Bush administration was too captivated with multilateralism that was unsuitable for the region or had the potential to deteriorate bi-lateral alliances. The administration of Bush had a more customary approach meaning that it is not likely to involve Asia effectively on two wide areas of growing concern. That is global environmental matters for example the climate change, ozone, invasive species and global health matters such like communicable diseases. Bush did not propose the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. He did not consider China’s proposal that greenhouse gas discharge be restricted on a per capita basis instead of a per country basis. The very poor records that were kept by Bush concerning the environment in Texas didn’t bode very well in engaging Asia on essential environmental issues. However, the first Bush administration is more likely to be fragmented, incoherent as well as contradictory. It suffered from the vision thing for so many reasons. In the first place, the Bush administration lacked a clear mandate. When he was campaigning, the new president did not offer sound foreign policy plan as a package, Asia countries included. Last but not least, East Asia has really undergone a considerable transformation since the time President Bush started ruling. Nevertheless, the coverage of this revolution in the western press is over and over again restricted to articles on China’s environmental problems or North Korea’ nuclear ambitions. Most of the East Asia’s leaders believe that for United States policy toward East Asia which has always remained essentially bilateral as well as ad hoc for decades to go on to be valuable, it must be updated to reflect more accurately contemporary realities in the region. Finally, Multilateral as well as unilateral sanctions have always been imposed on Iran in order to increase the pressure on its regime. The United States puts more prominence on its wide range of unilateral sanctions. Works Cited Glen, S. Axis of Evil and Rogue States: The Bush Administration. Washington: Glen Segell Publishers, 2006. Martin, G. International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century. Routledge, 2007. Seung, H. North Korea’s Second Nuclear Crisis and Northeast Asian Security. New York: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2007. Bush Sr & Clinton East Asian Security Approaches. (2016, Jul 31). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Information technology statistical analysis Essay

Information technology statistical analysis - Essay Example Using both patterns in a single study can be expensive, time-consuming, and lengthy (Blaxter, 2001). Moreover, researchers are seldom trained in the skills necessary to conduct studies based on more than one paradigm. Due to the limited resources and financial support, the researcher is comfortable with the rules and guidelines for conducting a quantitative research. With considerations as time, skills and the overall size of this study, the researcher chose a single research paradigm for the study. Certainly, the use of job satisfaction questionnaires is so prevalent that often too little thought is given to the construction of them (Neuman, 2003). To prevent such a problem and to prove the usefulness and meaningfulness of the data obtained from the questionnaire, the researcher has focused on several principles of the generation of the questionnaire for this study. For Job satisfaction survey study in United State, the data was collected via a questionnaire survey. The participants are requested to respond to questions on mainly 9 questions, given below. Five questions that measures demographic data, remaining were related to job satisfaction level. (1) Gender , (2) Age , (3) Department , (4) Position, (5) Tenure, (6) Overall Job Satisfaction, (7) Intrinsic Job Satisfaction - Satisfaction with the actual performance of the job, (8) Extrinsic Job Satisfaction- Things external to the job, e.g., office location, your work colleagues, your own office etc, and (9) Benefits - Satisfaction relating health insurance, pension plan, vacation, sick days, etc. Variables Independent Variables - For this study of job satisfaction we are taking Gender, Age, Department, Position and Tenure as independent variables. Dependent Variables - For this particular study of job satisfaction we are taking ong 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010verall Job Satisfaction, Intrinsic Job Satisfaction - Satisfaction with the actual performance of the job, Extrinsic Job Satisfaction things external to the job, e.g., office location, your work colleagues, your own office (cubicle/hard walled office, etc), and Benefits - Health insurance, pension plan, vacation, sick days, etc as dependent variables.10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 Data Analyses All analysis are conducting by using SPSS for Windows (SPSS, 2000) were utilized to conduct statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the employment background and the job satisfaction variables. Frequency tables also show the data analysis results. Descriptive Statistics Descriptive statis

Japan Country risk analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Japan Country risk analysis - Essay Example Environmental cause is also not inherently integrated in the Japanese culture. Japan is a country of innovation and technology. National efforts to protect their environment are mostly government initiated and sustained. Efforts rarely come from the people. The process itself will call for the participation of people in creating the products, from design to manufacturing. This is the first apparel, accessories, furniture, and equipment company that will do that. Japanese are known for their unique sense of style but not everyone gets to see their designs in the market. This is the first business that will give the consumers a chance to become a designer and a creator of their product and see it out in the market with a brand attached to it. The business model is very similar to how a home business operates. The only difference is that GAAFE will do it on a larger scale. Any businessman can operate this business and start it on a smaller scale. There are also existing brands that uses recyclable materials as raw materials. This model is already being used but most of them are small businesses. Those with existing customer base can expand their business. Japan is one of the countries with high internet penetration rate. This gives every business a level playing field. The internet gives each business a way to reach their market just as strongly as big businesses can. The line between big brands and small brands are getting blurry. The internet gives every person the capacity and facility to be a business owner, business operator and a marketer. GAAFE operates on the Emerging Industry segment. Emerging industries are newly formed or re-formed industries that typically are created by technological innovation, newly emerging customer needs, or other economic or sociological changes1. They are the ones that are more open to new ideas. They take old ideas or old trends and puts a new twist like taking in old animated cartoon and using them to create

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Multimedia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multimedia - Assignment Example The use of multimedia has become universal and has fully integrated in the field of education. An institution desires to modernize their induction tour with the latest technologies to enhance the experience for the newly inducted students and present a promising image of the college. Multimedia is also used in organizations for various purposes. Different types of technologies shall be discussed in the paper regarding their unique uses for organization. In the end, an effective solution will be proposed for the institution to incorporate technology in the induction tour. Task 1 2. Types of Multimedia used in Organizations 2.1 Promotion and Advertising Modern organizations have numerous platforms on which they can promote the image of their organizations. Most common use of multimedia is seen in the domain of promotion and advertising. The first step in this process is to define the audience that shall be aimed to be targeted with the promotional campaigns. Radio and television are am ong the conventional forms of multimedia used in the field of advertising. Radio tends to be cost effective as compared to TV and print ads. Internet technology has intervened in the lives of individuals to such a great extent that life cannot be perceived without it in the modern world. Organizations use the medium of internet to reach a larger set of audiences. According to Kawamoto; there are over 1 billion internet users worldwide. Advertisements and promotional campaigns are run on social networking sites, search engines and company owned websites. Another good approach to promote the name of the company is to make a profile for the company on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Current campaigns and latest promotions can be advertised through these profiles. 2.2 Digital Poster Digital posters are defined as the displays that are electronically updated with respect to the content provided by the organizations. They facilitate fast and convenient updates of information therefore more information can be communicated to the audience than flat posters. They are more eye-catching as they can be incorporated with sound and video to enable a more effective delivery of message to the recipient. 2.3 Virtual Tours A virtual tour is defined as the simulation of any place which is created by the accumulation of numerous videos and snapshots. Virtual tours allow the creator to communicate the floor plan and interiors of any location to a person who might be residing thousands of miles away from that place. This type of multimedia can help any business communicate their services to their customers; this experience gives an opportunity to the customers to evaluate the quality of the service. For example, hotels advertise their rooms, spa locations and dining areas with the aid of virtual tours. Hospitals might use the same medium to communicate their medical facilities to the audiences. Real estate agencies use this type of multimedia to show the interiors, neighbourhood and location of premises. Figure 1: Screenshot of a virtual tour of a hotel (Interactive virtual tours for estate agents, hotels, business, bars and restaurants) 2.4 Education and Training This concept of acquiring education and training by means of multimedia is known as ‘computer based learning’ or ‘computer based teaching’. Businesses have adapted multimedia technologies to provide

Friday, July 26, 2019

Change Management and Physical Restructuring of the Irish Defence Essay

Change Management and Physical Restructuring of the Irish Defence Forces - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the Irish Defence Forces are the armed services of the Irish Military. It consists of Naval Services, the Air Corps, the Army (covering ground and air operations), and the Reserve Defence Forces are made of part-time military members. Commissioned officers in the Defence Forces are granted their commissions by the President of Ireland, with supplementary decision-making and presidential representation occurring through the Irish Minister of Defence. It is the responsibility of the Defence Forces to secure the state against foreign and domestic threats, prepare the state for terrorist and non-terrorist armed military threats, ensure peace-keeping in the country, and provide humanitarian relief efforts coordinated with support from the United Nations. Domestic non-combat activities include policing of fisheries, bomb disposal, and stabilizing chemical threats. In 2009, the Irish Defence Forces began to over-run its allotted budget for op erations, which had been set at â‚ ¬688 million.   This situation called for a restructuring of the Irish Defence Forces since the government could not afford another budgetary increase to secure effective and productive operations. This restructuring involved labor reduction of key services including barrack, condensed tangible resource allocation to the Forces, and redeployment of posted service persons to undertake front-line operational roles.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Libertarian vs Determinism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Libertarian vs Determinism - Research Paper Example It is moral and normal for people to claim responsibility for their actions. This includes blame and credit for good and terrible actions. According to Wgner (277), this comes from a connection between one’s will and actions where one believes that his will determines the action taken. As a result, it describes determinism. Furthermore, some famous philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and David Hume call this compatibilist freedom or negative freedom as stated by Isaiah Berlin. However, some compatibilists argue that it goes hand in hand with human freedom where people define freedom with freedom of the will. However, this is only true if one is free from external mechanisms such as coercion. Conversely, freedom of action is not similar to freedom of the will. When someone is in confinement, like in jail, some actions are not allowed whereas the will is free. Nevertheless, they are still related since it is the action that is used to relay the will. This, thus, leads to the term â €Å"free will† where an agent has the freedom of action. Logical determinism and causal determinism are also part of soft determinism. The former describes the future and how it has already been determined despite free will. Unlike this, Causal determinism states that every effect has a cause or mechanism. This does not mean that humans are free, nor do they always have free will. They can either have free will and use it how they want, or can have just an appearance of it where they never make choices despite there being preceding mechanisms that favor the result of the decision. In addition to this, physical or social constraints do not define the result of the latter circumstance (Wegner 279). An example is how humans have learnt to fly without using their own bodies. Hence, using the word free in this scenario would be inappropriate. On the other hand, Ayer argues that if human behavior is fully governed by causative mechanisms, then it is not clear how any action done co uld have been avoided (Ayer 272). This can only be different if the cause had been different. As a result, it has lead to controversial opinions on the freedom of will regarding assumptions that an individual is morally responsible for his or her actions. As a result, since the freedom of will is biased, then no one knows what he or she is. In other words, an individual can never act freely if causative factors determine his action. Ayer, thus, disapproves causal determinism. It may also be suitable to classify compatibilism according to those mechanisms that they think are attuned with human freedom. This is because compatibility with God’s foreknowledge or physics, among many other mechanisms, are different. Furthermore, whether in the biological world, the mind, or in the physical world, uncaused random events are true. These events, termed quantum, bring about the probability of novelty, human creativity, and accidents. Generally, it is termed as comprehensive compatibili sm where free will is attuned with both indeterminism and adequate determinism. The latter is restricted to the true determinism in the world while the former describes how certain mechanisms directly influence human behavior and actions. Furthermore, they provide alternative possibilities for the latter determinism to choose the most suitable. According

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

2.How is the past shown to impact on the present for the characters of Essay

2.How is the past shown to impact on the present for the characters of La Muerte y la Doncella(Death and the maiden) - Essay Example The authorities in the story do not get to hear the story of Paulina Salas, who was kidnaped and raped by Dr. Miranda when she was young. There was Salas kidnapping because of her different political views (Dorfman 71). Thousands of Chilean citizens are believed to have disappeared during the reign of General Augusto Pinochet during the years 1973-1990. The people who had a different opinion from the government were killed. Chile, however, has a new form of government, and the citizens have to learn to live with the aftermath of General Augusto’s era. The survivors have suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, and this happens in the play by Salas’ character. The people of Chile were bleeding inside during the reign of Pinochet, who is believed to be a dictator. The country is now healing from the entire trauma and justice to the people is being served. We eventually hear Salas’ voice as she speaks out about her troubles while still in the university. The play is about the characters getting and having a voice on different matters that affect their lives. The play is not necessarily about the Chilean government as it is in an unknown South American country. Salas is sad and looks troubled at the beginning of the play. Salas is unhappy with the man the husband has befriended. She believes that is the same man that tortured her when she was trying to give her voice about her political opinions fifteen years ago (Ainsworth 3). The scene shows us how many countries in the world, mainly those in South America have grown in democracy. The citizens were not able to have a voice or else their lives would end because of it. The present governments recognize freedom of speech and people are free to talk about their troubles with the government. Salas had to suffer fifteen years ago because of her political opinions so that the rest of the people will have a voice in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ion chromatography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ion chromatography - Essay Example After the discovery of X-rays and the establishment of association of absorption characteristics and atomic number of an element, X-rays have been widely used for analytical and diagnostic purposes. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) developed in to two modes of analysis; wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDXRF) or isolation of narrow wavelength bands by diffraction through a crystal and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDXRF) using proportional detectors for isolation of narrow bands (figure 1). XRF is widely used for quantitative analysis of almost all elements of periodic table with accuracies up to tenth of a percent and at concentrations as low as few ppms (Jenkins, 2000). Figure 1: Energy Dispersive & Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescent Spectroscopy PROPERTIES OF X-RAYS X-rays form a part of the electromagnetic spectrum between the wavelength ranges of 0.01-10nm. X-rays are produced when an accelerated electron collides with a target element thereby losing energy; the l ost energy forming the X-rays. Less than 1% of the lost energy is used for X-ray production, rest being lost as heat. Ek = eV = 1/2mv2 Where, Ek – kinetic energy, e – Charge of electron (1.6 ? 10-19 C), V – Applied voltage, m – Mass of electron (9.11 ? 10-31 kg), v – Velocity of electron (m/s) Figure 2: X-ray spectrum of Mo at different voltages (Menke) PRINCIPLE Deceleration of an incident high energy electron beam by atomic electrons of the sample leads to emission of a band of radiations of broad wavelength termed continuum or white or polychromatic radiation or ‘bremsstrahlung’ (German for breaking radiation) (figure 2). For a sample comprising of multiple elements, white radiation leads to excitation of characteristic lines enabling identification of the constituent elements (Jenkins, 1999). X-ray beam with energy (E) incident on an element with binding energy (?) of the atomic electrons, such that E > ? might lead to emission of electrons from its orbital position. This phenomenon is known as photoelectric effect. Kinetic energy of the emitted electron = E-? The photoelectric effect results in formation of a characteristic peak when the hole in the inner shell is filled by a higher energy electron from the outer shell (figure 3). Figure 3: Schematic Representation of an X-ray Fluorescence Process (K, n=1; L, n=2; M, n=3) (Menke) However, each incident X-ray beam does not lead to single transition, but since atoms comprise of multiple orbitals, multiple transitions are possible. Each of these transitions result in a number of XRF peaks in the spectrum and are characteristic of the sample element (figure 4). Contrary to this some holes are filled by an internal rearrangement process (Auger effect) and therefore, do not result in characteristic spectrum. Fluorescent Yield = Number of holes resulting in Characteristic photon emission/ Total Number of holes For elements with low atomic number the fluorescent yie ld is very small. Moreover, fluorescent yield for L transitions is lesser than that for K transitions and that for M is even lesser. Selection rules for normal lines in spectral diagram require the principal quantum number (n) to change at least

Governor General Essay Example for Free

Governor General Essay The United States during the 1890’s wanted to acquire as much control as it could at the expense of other countries. This desire was felt greatly in countries found in Latin America and Asia. The location and size of Latin American and Asian countries caught the attention of the United States where they began to have an interest and desire to conquer the former countries. The influence of Alfred Mahan extended to the manner of conquest that the United States was to undertake. The sea power influence was used by the great country in order to further their objectives of obtaining control over Latin America and Asian countries. (Alfred T. Mahan on Sea Power, 1890) The USS Maine was the first ship constructed to answer the call for battle. The US was able to control the Canal Zone and this was vital to their pursuit for power. The Philippines was one of those Asian countries greatly affected by the US quest for power. The Philippine Insurrection resulted to fierce military battle between these two countries where a lot of lives were lost with many untold sufferings. (Insurrection in the Philippines) The US succeeded in conquering the Philippines where Theodore Roosevelt became the First Governor General. Look more:Â  satire mark twain essay (Theodore Roosevelt: First Governor General of the Philippines) The interest of the US over the Philippines arose as a result of the strategic location of the latter that would be good for business such as trading. The US had an extreme view to conquer the Latin America’s and Asian countries through force. Jingoism was prevalent during the years of 1890 onwards. The United States was able to exert influence, power and control over these countries. The control of this powerful nature ended when the spirit of democracy and independence was awakened in these countries subject to their control. Reference: 1. Alfred T. Mahan on Sea Power, 1890. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. mtholyoke. edu/acad/intrel/protected/alfred. htm. 2. Insurrection in the Philippines. Oregon Coast Magazine Online. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h830. html. 3. Fulton, Robert. Theodore Roosevelt: First Governor General of the Philippines. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. morolandhistory. com/Articles/3. %20theodore_roosevelt. htm. 4. Jingoism. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. worldwidewords. org/weirdwords/ww-jin1. htm.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Promoting autonomy of oneself and others Essay Example for Free

Promoting autonomy of oneself and others Essay Introduction                     Autonomy is the ability to have the capacity for self-governance or have self- determination. This is a concept which comes out through various arenas. For example, the moral autonomy is usually governed by the moral laws ( Deci, 2010). Therefore, personal autonomy can be said to be the capacity of a person to pursue actions based on moral content. This paper will compare the philosophical work by Nietzsche and MacIntyre and determine who offers the best tool of promoting autonomy. Over the past centuries, the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche have transformed and penetrated every realm of social culture in the Western world. In his essays, he examines the significance of people’s ability to make promises. He states that to hold to the promises made requires both confidence about the future and very powerful memory that will ensure that certain issues are not forgotten. According to Nietzsche confidence requires one to be predictable or calculable and, therefore, he or she must share common sets of customs and laws that govern his or her behaviour (Risse, 2001). The society and morality play an important part of making a person predictable, therefore, giving the person ability to make promises. This process according to Nietzsche is complicated as it ends up in the ‘sovereign person’ who can make decisions, not only because the person in question is bounded by social mores but because he or she is the master of his or her own free will. The sovereign of an individual is characterised by tremendous responsibilities of one being free to make claims in regard to his or her future. This sense of responsibility according to Nietzsche is called conscience (Risse, 2001). Nietzsche defines the concept of ‘bad conscience and guiltiness using German words for ‘debt’ and ‘guilt. He suggested that, originally, there were no relationship between guilt and accountability or immorality. Punishments were meted on the basis of reprisal and not on the basis of guilt. If a person failed to honour promises, then they were considered to be in debt the person they failed. The debt could then be balanced by punishing or torturing the person. This happened to a person say the creditor who had no interest of getting his money back from the debtor. Thus, the memory of making promises during this time was burdened and the punishments and cruelty ensured that the debtor does not forget his promises next time (Risse, 2001). Macintyre’s in his book, ‘After Virtue (1981)’ explains his long ethical project. The book diagnoses the rising issues in the society such as ‘culture of emotivism’ where the moral language pragmatically manipulates decisions, attitude and decision. According to the book, those moral cultures are said to be a theatre of illusion where the objectives of moral rhetoric masks the decisions. The books examine the part of the community in making the judgments about the truth or falsity. The work by MacIntyre also examines the reasons why human beings need virtues through investigating the social debts and needs of human agents and the part which they were playing in the formation of an independent practical person who can reason (Borden, 2007). The philosophy by Maclntyre’s is very important especially to the fields of communitarian politics and the virtues of ethics. He points out the insignificance of conventional business ethic as an application of the modern moral concepts in decision making. His work in philosophy has lead tremendous renewal of values over the last decades. For example, in his works his discusses the moral condemnation of Stalinism. His presentation of this concept draws two important conclusions related to morality, one is the fact of the people’s solidarity in discovering what people want in their moral life (Borden, 2007).. According to MacIntyre morality organises life of the community. As he concludes his book, he says that the concepts of morality are neither historical nor timeless and, therefore, the understanding the developments of historical, ethical concepts can liberate people from any falsity claims (Borden, 2007). MacIntyre’s Aristotelian offers the best tool of promoting autonomy of one self and others compared to Nietzsche because he examines the habits that humans should develop in order to make judgement and act efficiently in the pursuit of the true choices which have a worthy end. His examination has a very rich account on the deliberate activities by human that encompass moral formation and society life. He also accounts why humans have practical wisdom to do what is right based on the freedom of morality. References Borden, S. L. (2007). Journalism as practice: MacIntyre, virtue ethics and the press. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (2010). The support of autonomy and the control of behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 53(6), 1024.Risse, M. (2001). The Second Treatise in In the Genealogy of Morality: Nietzsche on the Origin of the Bad Conscience. European Journal of Philosophy, 9(1), 55-81. Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Is Peer Pressure Health And Social Care Essay

What Is Peer Pressure Health And Social Care Essay Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to obsess with their weight gain. People with anorexia limit the amount of food they eat drastically and can become extremely thin. A person with anorexia sees themselves as an obese individual even if they are skinny. Anorexia nervosa is not about the food the person consumes, but it is a way for the individuals to cope with their emotional problems. Although anorexia can occur in both sexes, it is much more common in females rather than males. Anorexia usually affects the teenagers and young adults. If this disorder goes untreated it can lead to serious health problems such as osteoporosis, kidney damage, heart problems, and eventually death. Anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate of any mental illness with five to twenty percent of people who develop the disease die from it. The exact causes of anorexia, like all other eating disorders are unknown but there are factors that could impact it. These factors include; havin g an anxiety disorder as a child, having a negative self-image, having eating disorder as a child, and having certain social ideas about health and beauty. A patient with anorexia attends to maintain a strict control over food intake by counting calories exactly. Some may enjoy cooking and serving food but not eating it; they may hide the food and claim that they ate it. Anorexia nervosa can be very difficult to cope with, and early treatment could be effective. The longer this disease goes untreated, the harder it is to eventually overcome.Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. Anorexia commonly affects women between the ages of 13 and 20. Anorexia causes serious health conditions such as osteoporosis, kidney damage, heart problems, and eventually death. About 10 through 15 percent of all people with anorexia will eventually die from physical or mental complications. Early detection is the best way to battle anorexia nervosa; approximately 60 percent of people with anorexia make a full recovery when detected early (Causes of Anorexia). Anorexia is caused by a fear of gaining weight, obesophobia, where the person has to practice unhealthy dieting habits to maintain this fear. A study found that adolescent girls were more fearful of gaining weight than getting cancer, nuclear war or losing their parents (Self Image/Media Influences). Although the causes of anorexia nervosa are unknown, there are many factors that can contribute to anorexia nervosa. An important factor that affects anorexia is social pressure, whether it is by peers or the media. Most female teenagers will develop anorexia nervosa because of body images portrayed by the media and peer pressure. Peer Pressure What is Peer Pressure? Peer pressure is influence from a members peer group. Whether it is by a boyfriend, peer, coworker, or sibling. When people receive criticism they are at increased risk of a number of mental health issues, including poor body image and eating disorders. Troubling behaviors range from a dirty look when taking a second helping of food at the dinner table to persistent weight-related bullying by ones peers (Ross, 2012). How does Peer Pressure affect anorexia? Peer pressure can also impact teens into becoming anorexic. Bullying is the most common type of peer pressure. Someone may make remarks about another persons body image or weight and that causes that person to feel dissatisfied with their body. This in turn causes the person to practice unhealthy dieting. This is very common among teens who are constantly being judge based on their looks. In movies, particularly, but also in television shows and the accompanying commercials, womens and girls appearance is frequently commented on: 58 percent of female characters in movies had comments made about their looks, as did 28 percent in television shows and 26 percent of the female models in the accompanying commercials (Body Image Nutrition). Peer pressure has a major impact on how we look at ourselves; it can alter our behavior and cause us to practice unhealthy ones. Media Portrayal What is Media? The media is an important aspect of our daily lives. Media is all around us: it includes Television sets, billboards, magazines, newspapers, and the Internet. Media also includes social networking sites which most teens nowadays are engaged in. About 95 percent of people own a TV set and watch for an average of 3-4 hours per day. By the end of the last century 50 percent of women read a newspaper each day and nearly half of all girls, from the age of 7 read a girls magazine each week (Jade, 2009). Media is also used to target certain age groups to buy a specific product. In this case media targets teen girls to sell beauty products. During shows that are watched mostly by teen girls 56 percent of commercials are about beauty as a product appeal. Also one in three articles in leading teen magazines contain 50 percent of advertisements focus on appearance. It is everywhere we turn and we face it every day of our lives. How does Media affect anorexia nervosa? Everywhere we turn we see models that are extremely underweight. These models are considered the ideal image of beauty. An average US woman is 54 tall weighing about 140 pounds while the average US model is 511 and weigh about 117 pounds (Health Wellness Article, 2000). When teens see these models they desperately want to be like them. According to a study in Pediatrics, about two-thirds of girls in the 5th to 12th grades said that magazine images influence their vision of an ideal body, and about half of the girls said the images made them want to lose weight. Teens become dissatisfied with their bodies; this can explain why 80 percent of US women do not like how they look (Ross, 2012). On a study done with thirteen year olds found that 53 percent of American girls are unhappy with their bodies, these increases to 78 percent by the time these girls reach the age of seventeen (Body Image Nutrition). This in turn causes them to become obsess with their weight to match that of the models they see each day. In a survey done by the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute found that 40 percent of girls 9 and 10 years old have tried to lose weight. According to statistics from the National Eating Disorders Association, by the time they reach college, 92 percent of young women have tried to control weight through dieting, and 22 percent often or always diet (Health Wellness Article, 2000). Gradually these teens develop a drastic fear of gaining weight. References A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. ( 2012, February 13). Retrieved from Pubmed Health: Health Wellness Article. (2000, July 5). Retrieved from Tree: Anorexia Nervosa Health center. (2011, August 25). Retrieved from WebMD: Body Image Nutrition. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 20, 2013, from Teen Health and the Media: Causes of Anorexia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2013, from Eating Disorders mirror mirror: Cemanovic, M. (2006, December 18). The Effects of Media on the Skinny Side of Eating Disorders. Retrieved from Ezine @rticles: Gould, B. E., Dyer, R. M. (2011). Pathophysiology for the Health Professions. In B. E. Gould, R. M. Dyer, Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (pp. 420-421). Jeanne Olson. Inge, C. (2010, July 29). Peer Pressure: Eating Disorders. Retrieved from Jade, D. (2009). THE MEDIA AND EATING DISORDERS. Retrieved from National Centre for Eating Disorders: Ross, C. C. (2012, June 1). World of Psychology. Retrieved from PsychCentral: Self Image/Media Influences. (n.d.). Retrieved from Just Say YES: Staff, M. C. (2012, January 5). Anorexia nervosa. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Health Care Industry Essay -- Business, Employee Satisfaction

Health care industry is healing from the recent shortage in qualified professionals. The retention of professionals and overall employee satisfaction has been affected by the recent economical changes. Need for change has been pressured amongst health care managers for almost a decade now. The federal government has predicted, by 2020, retirement will contribute to a shortage of approximately 24,000 doctors and nearly one million nurses. The organizational environment appears to be the focus of the human resource consultants that are providing input in the change. The most challenging aspect of management today in the health care industry is employee satisfaction because retaining qualified professionals has decreased. To survive and be successful in this industry will require flexibility and adaptability. The author intends to help explain how changes in the health care environment necessitate changes in how health care managers actively manage. A move from traditional health care w orkforce model to the future will likely be positively viewed by staff and the organization, once thoroughly reviewed. It is more frequently being suggested that health care managers are so focused on increased size that they are no longer appropriately serving the employees concerns. Ensuring employees are motivated in these uncertain times are daily challenge for managers. Factors that will help to improve employee satisfaction are acknowledging the possibility of work-family conflict, and improving the work environment. Health care professionals have power to dictate the terms of their employment, and employers are finding that flexibility is central to attracting and retaining quality professionals. The author’s findings are based on experience in ... ...etention, and offer a more realistic job preview. Research indicates a few ways to successful strategies leading to improving work environment by utilizing employee satisfaction on the job. They are: linking employee satisfaction with patient satisfaction, using fun to increase employee satisfaction and ling employee satisfaction with employee retention. Health care human resource managers will continue to monitor the levels of employee satisfaction within the industry, reduce turnover, through a well planned strategy. Future research should attempt to determine if there is a gender bias in employee satisfaction in the industry. More emphasizes on procedural justice affects on the work environment along with gender specific views. New hires would be attracted to an organization in the industry with a reputation for fairness in work schedules and work life balance.

College Acceptance :: essays papers

College Acceptance I am more than what meets the eye. There is only a certain part of me that people observe and judge me by in my everyday life. Some people know me as the boy who rushes down to the Harmon Cove bus stop every morning half awake and half asleep juggling several items in my hands. In one hand I have my books that I 'attempted' to read for homework the previous night and my other hand is holding on to my Sony metallic cd player for my bus ride to school. My peers and acquaintances wait for my arrival on the yellow school bus expecting me to begin their day off by cracking few jokes and sharing stories of my wild weekends. Only I wish they would know that not all my 'wild' weekends which I brag about are spent at raving clubs and parties, surprisingly most of them are really time spent home alone listening to music and helping my parents around the house. Also, I am a student who walks through the halls of Secaucus High School always teasing girls on my way to classes, promoting my style of Aerocrombie & Finch clothing and perfume, and many other tactics that some people find amusing and others find immature. One may hear my name traveling through the air prompting them to relate an encounter with me and sticking a label upon my character and personality. I wish everyone would understand the Xavier that the world knows, is only a part of an image that people can see and the remainder of me is a mystery to for them to unveil. It may seem people have already discovered my personal ideas through predicting my next move, but there exists a private world of my own. I think I should admit few things about myself and accept them as a part of me. Common sense comes to me much easier than book smartness because I enjoy interacting with people and my environment, than sitting in a corner reading a book and making my mind visit the twilight zone. Even my mother told me that I can cross the street safely, but if I have to read a map to get to my destination-forget about that. My teachers may think I am careless when it comes to my studies, but when it is time to become serious I do.

Friday, July 19, 2019

the learnin org :: essays research papers fc

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1 SUMMARY  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 AN ARCHETYPICAL ENTRY AND CONTRACTING PROCESS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 LAWLER’S ENTRY AND CONTRACTING PROCESS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9 ASSESSING LAWLER’S ENTRY AND CONTRACTING PROCESS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14 THEORIES AND MODELS TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THE DIAGNOSTIC DATA  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  17 ORGANIZING THE INFORMATION FOR FEEDBACK  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  22 CARRYING OUT THE FEEDBACK PROCESS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT COULD BE COLLECTED  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  25 CONCLUSION  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28 BIBLIOGRAPHY  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  29 APPENDICES  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  30 B.R. RICHARDSON TIMBER PRODUCTS CORPORATION INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organizational Development (OD) is concerned with the performance, development, and effectiveness of human organizations. OD is directed at bringing about planned change to increase an organization’s effectiveness and capacity. It is an applied behavioural science that is focused on the organization as a system, and among other issues is concerned with the health of the organization, its effectiveness, its capacity to solve problems, its ability to adapt, change or of self renewal, and its ability to create a high quality of life for its employees. An organization is defined as two or more people brought together by one or more shared goals. OD promotes the notion that a successful change is a planned change. Monitoring of both internal and external influences needs to be conducted on a continuous basis. To understand how change can be managed, OD draws knowledge and concepts from other disciplines (notably behavioural science, psychology, organization theory). One of the early approaches to organizational change was provided by Kurt Lewin and his associates. It starts from the premise that targets of change and the social processes underlying them are relatively stable, when forces driving for change are roughly equal to forces resisting the change. To change this status quo requires a three-step process: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  unfreezing 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  movement 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  refreezing Unfreezing underscores the need to assess the present situation before change is contemplated. It examines the driving and restraining forces in the change situation that maintains the status quo. This information is essential for unfreezing the current situation and creating a readiness for change among organization members. Movement involves intervening in the situation to change it. This addresses organizational issues such as human processes, strategic choices, work designs and structures. It shifts the behaviours, attitudes and values of the organization, department and individuals to new levels. Refreezing stabilizes the organization at a new equilibrium state. If this step is ignored the organization reverts to its previous state. Refreezing rebalances the driving and restraining forces in the changed situation so it remains stable. Output of change is highly dependent on how the change process unfolds, and the change process will need to be facilitated. The OD process is a recurring cycle (Appendix II).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Collage essay Essay

My name is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and I am looking forward to graduate this year. As a senior I have already decided what I want to do after graduating high school. I want to major in computer science in order to be a computer programmer. I choose George Mason University as my collage because it has the right kind of classes which will help me to become a successful computer programmer. Since my childhood days, I always had an interest on computers and I always wanted to learn more programs and features. Every time when new software and programs came out, I got really excited and used to save money to purchase the software. My cousin who is also a computer programmer inspires me to go in this field till this day. My dream job is to be a computer programmer which involves the act of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining software programs of computers. Along with this, a person has to analyze tasks for programs, plan and organize programs, write instructions in programming language, conduct trial runs for programs and consult with superiors for the effective use of program software. Programmers spend most of their time in front of computers, typing information and thinking about new and innovative ways to design programs. A computer programmer can earn up to $110,000 annually or even more for senior programmers and independent consultants whereas the starting salary can be $40,000. Programming is very important and it impacts human lives because without the proper programming people cannot run complex medical equipment, advanced computer systems in airplanes, weather forecasting and many more advanced systems. Currently I am taking one computer class in school which is programming. In my junior year I took two computer classes: Webpage development and Information systems. Taking these classes will be helpful to me when I get into the university. I am also planning to take other related subjects in programming outside of school during summer. Also during my spare time, I usually go up online and research about my career. I have to work much harder than now while studying in the university. If I get good grades, hopefully, I will be able to find a good internship where I can prove myself. I will gain many valuable working skills while I am an intern which will help me in the job industry. I am also ready to work irregular and long hours if I get a job in this field. As I love travelling, travelling different places to help my clients would not be a problem to me. I love the challenges present in this field and I will also be able to make people’s life easier by developing new programs to help people in their work. The only concern regarding my career is that advanced computers are developing every day. Till the time I find a job, the knowledge that I have gained may not be useful in that time. So, I will also be taking various programming classes from time to time to update my knowledge regarding software and programming. . I hope that attending GMU and setting my career as a Computer Programmer will be a right decision for me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Perodua research Essay

Consumer made discordant decision in their daily life from primary need to the luxury inescapably. Their necessitate include moveonical physiological demand food, clothing, warmth, and safety, social call for for belonging and affection and individual needs for noesis and self- expression, they atomic number 18 a basic part of human being make up. Nowadays, consumers request for better quality and product screwledge on products of proceedss. The consumer expectations and values be dole outed in various factors such as hit and advantage of the products or enumeration forwards making the acquire decisions. The product and process offered from auto fabrication must be fulfill customers demand. The elevator elevator car industry should create various devise and delivering applicable service. Besides that, the car industry should translate the customer needs and wants and go come show up of the closet different product to different consumer that go awa y satisfy their need. This investigate is attempted to disclose and analyze the factors that poignant the customer barter for decision on car and to sack out what factors whitethorn form their buy decision.1.1 local anesthetic Car Comp whateverPeroduaPerusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (PERDUA), Established in 1993, is a crossroads venture friendship between Malayan and Japanese Partners. The sh beholders of Perodua are UMW cooperation Sdn. Bhd with 38% stake, Daihatsu Motor co. Ltd (20%) MBM choices Bhd (20%) PNB Equity Re obtains breadbasket Sdn Bhd (10%) , Mitsui &(7%) and Daihatsu ( Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ( 5%). The company started operations in 1994 and the ever so popular Perodua Kancil was introduced to the Malaysian market place in rarified the very(prenominal) troth the come ining vehicles piddle roll verboten of the Perodua plant The Perodua Rusa March 1996The Perodua Kembara August 1998 The Perodua Kenari June 2000The Perodua Myvi May 2005The Pe rodua Viva May 2007The Perodua Nautica 4 WD May 2008The Perodua Alza- November 2009As of May 2008, Perodua has interchange some 1.4 million units of vehicles of various models Perodua headquarters is located on an 81 Hectare identify inSungai Choh, Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. It houses among others Perodua Corpo range building , R&D trialing laboratories and styling studio, vehicle test track , manufacturing plant, engine plant, pre-delivery inspection area, vehicle distribution stockyard and parts ware house. Perodua elevator car Corporation Sdn Bhd (PCSB) was established in the final examination quarter of 2001.Besides Perodua , the dickens other joint venture partners of PCSB are Daihatsu Motor Co.Ltd and Mitsui & Co.Ltd both Japan. The manufacturing operations of the Perodua Group are cosmos managed by PCSB. The Three active inwardly the group are.Perodua gross gross sales Sdn Bhd (PSSB) is trustworthy for the sales, merchandise and distribution of all Perodua vehicles as sanitary as after sales services and spare parts operations. Perodua Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (PMSB) is the company responsible for the manufacturing of Perodua Vehicles. Perodua Engine Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (PEMSB) undertakes the assembly of vehicle engines and likewise manufacturing of selected engine component parts operations. manpowerThe total Number of manpower of Perodua was over 10,000 staff as of May 2011 mathematical product subjectThe plant currently has the capacity to produce 250000 units per annum, on 2 stagger cycle.Sales and service NetworkTo the date ,PSSB has 39 sales branches and 140 sales dealers nationwide to serve its customers efficiently .It to a fault has 41 service branches and 120 services push throughlets through prohibited Malaysia for customers Convenience.OverseasPerodua vehicles are change in countries such as the UK,Singapore ,Brunei,Fiji,Nepal and Sri Lanka.1.2 query ProblemTransportation instantly can say as a needs for right a ways society .The consumer straightaway have different request for their car. The goals for the near Perodua car are to sustain competitive advantages and become or maintain as the market leader. However question as to how one can achieve this nevertheless remain despite studies and recommendations are carried out in order to hear consumer buy behavior and ship canal to improve merchandise st investgies to move more outletively go across to consumer. Therefore, this search would attempt to identify the factors that bewitch consumer buying behavior andto understand whether pricing, quality, digit, pursual locate and the service after sales have significant contribution to consumer buying decision and the importance of their role alter the buying behavior. Some people are buying Perodua car and some of them are buying imported car. This conceive is to arise out why people are buying Perodua car and the factors that can watch them to buy Perodua car.1.3 Objective of t he studyThe target area of this look for is to examine several factors that influencing the consumer buying decision on local car as follow. To square up out whether price inning consumer buying behavior towards Perodua car. To find out whether design of the car go away influence consumer buying behavior. To find out whether interest rate of the Perodua car influence consumer buying behavior To find out whether quality of the Perodua car testament influence consumer buying behavior To find out whether service after sales get out influence consumer buying behavior towards Perodua.1.4 mountain chain of the studyThis study cover how consumer apprehend and deciding on purchase their car. The factors and criteria that the consumer leave take into considerations when purchasing a car. This study conducted to provide a cleared belief on factors that possible on affecting consumer consumption decision and to find out the least importance factors at consumer in purchasing car. This research suggest that consumer buying behavior can be ca employ by factors such as price , design of the car, interest rate , Quality and excessively sales after service. Questionnaire leave behind be conducted and distributed to local car users. Questionnaire will be developed based on the drug-addicted and independent uncertain which will and then be distributed to despondence ( Uses of local car) Questionnaire will be collected for analysis development SPSS to obtain findings. This will be follow by interchange and recommendation relevant to objectives of this study.1.5 Significance of the studyTransportation nowadays has become a need for todays society . This study will help the Perodua car industry understand how to consumer think, feel , needs and many variable of the purchase decision process. In excess , This paper would consider on the ways that marketers can adapt and improvetheir selling strategies to reach the consumer buying behavior to know the relativel y factor that may effect consumer purchasing decision on Perodua car.1.6 commentary of callIn this study, the factors influencing consumer behavior towards Perodua car such as price, design, quality, interest rate and service after sales. The definition of preconditions fully understands the topic of reciprocation in this study of research.1.6.1 ConsumerConsumer is broad label that refers to any individuals or households that use practiseds Services generated at heart the economy .The concept of a consumer is utilize in different context, so that the economic consumption and significance of the term may motley . (From Wikipedia). 1.6.2 Consumer Buying behavior process and physiological activity Consumer buying is be as decision making process and physical activity whereby individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring, utilize or disposing of goods and service. ( Sternbock, 2013). It is a subset of human behavior on how they use their resource on consumption related i tems.The study of consumer behavior accept marketers to understand and harbinger how consumer are likely to react to various information and environmental cues and able to shape their marketing strategies accordingly. (Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behavior 2013).It is also concerned with the question of what, why, when, where, how and how often they buy it, 1.6.3. CarAn automobile or aim car is a wheeled move vehicle used for have a bun in the ovening passengers, which also carries its hold engine or motor. Most Definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have lay for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.1.6.4 determinePrice in economics and business is the outlet of an rallying and from that trade we assign a numerical monetary value to a good, service or asset. Price is wholly part of the information we get fr om law-abiding and exchange. The other part is the volume of the goods traded per unit time, called therate of purchase or sale. From this extra information we understand the extend of the market and the elasticity of the demand and supply. In normal foothold price is the result of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refers to what must be abandoned up by one troupe in order to obtain something offered by another party.1.6.5 intersection designProduct design can be delineate as the idea generation, concept development, test and manufacturing or implementation of a physical object or service. Product Designers carry and evaluate ideas, making then concrete through products in more dogmatic approach. The role of a product author encompasses many characteristics of the marketing manager, product manager, industrial designer and design engineer.1.6.6 bear on rateA rate which is charged or paid for the use of money. An interest rate is often expressed as an yearbook percentage of the principal. It is calculated by dividing the add together of interest by the amount of principal. Interest rates often change as a result of inflation and federal official Reserve policies.1.6.7 QualityQuality is the normal of something when it is compared to other things such as how good and how the something is. If a product fulfils the customers expectations, the customer will be cheery and consider that the product is of acceptable or even high quality. If his or her expectations are not fulfilled, the customer will consider that the product is of low quality this operator that the quality of a product may be defined as its baron to fulfil the customers needs and expectations. Quality needs to be defined firstly in damage of parameters or characteristics, which vary from product to product.1.6.8 After sales serviceService, which is addressed here, should be an entire part of any companys export strategy from the start. Properly ha ndled, service can be a home for growth. Service is the prompt delivery of the product. It is decent sales personnel. It is a user or service manual modified to chance on your customers needs. It is ready portal to a service facility. It is knowledgeable, cost effectual maintenance, repair or replacement.1.7SummaryThis inform is presented in five chapters. Each chapter is affiliated to the other and is systematically structured to curb easier understanding of the research. The first chapter is the introduction of the consumer buying behavior on Perodua car. It include the research problem and the objective and definition of terms are also include to allow better understanding of objectives of the research and terms used in this research .Chapter two is the literature reviews where other literature source are extracted to address the topic of consumer buying behavior on Perodua Car. Chapter three is the discussion of theoretical framework used in this research.This chapter a lso involved the system of used for collection data and statistical method used to analyze the data. Chapter four is the discussion of the data gathered in this research .this discussions involved in this chapter include the hypotheses testing and evaluation of finding in the research area. Chapter five is the discussion of findings together with the final result of this research. This chapter also covers the recommendations of factors that have significant violation and influence the most consumer purchase decision.

Risk in Banking Sector

Paper presentation On Risk in cashboxing sector. Abstract The structure of the paper is three-fold, where we begin by what is venture in desireing scenario and its effects on innate operations of a stick, followed by the various types of find in Indian banks and what can be through or the measurements taken and fin entirelyy the afterlife look. entree The Indian Financial System is tasting succeeder of a decade of monetary sector reforms. The deliverance is surging and has gathered the critical mass to diversify it into a force to reckon with.The regulatory fabric in India has sparked growth and key structural reforms rush improved the asset quality and profitability of banks. developing integration of economies and the marts around the world is making international banking a reality. The RBI requires all banks to comply with the alike(p) approach of the BASEL II accord by thirty-first March, 2007. This paper attempts to project the implications of this transition a nd its effects on the internal operations of a bank followed by its effects on the banking industry and the economy.What is Risk? For the use of goods and services of these guidelines pecuniary peril in a banking government is possibility that the outcome of an action or incident could bring up adverse impacts. Such outcomes could every answer in a direct damage of earnings / great or may declaration in imposition of constraints on banks ability to action its business clinicals Regardless of the mundanity of the measures, banks often distinguish between expected and out of the blue(predicate) losses.Expected losses atomic number 18 those that the bank knows with reasonable sure thing will occur (e. g. , the expected default swan of corporate loan portfolio or credit batting order portfolio) and are typically reserved for in whatever room. Unexpected losses are those associated with unforeseen events (e. g. losses due to a sudden down produce in economy or fallin g bet rates). Types of insecurity in banks In the course of their operations, banks are invariably faced with different types of guesss that may form a potentially ban effect on their business.The assays to which a bank is particularly exposed in its operations are liquidity peril, credit luck, market risks ( following rate risk, exotic ex channelise risk and risk from change in market price of securities, monetary derivatives and commodities), exposure risks, investment risks, risks relating to the country of origin of the entity to which a bank is exposed, operational risk, sub judice risk, reputational risk and strategic risk. Liquidity riskis the risk of electro disallow effects on the financial result and corking of the bank caused by the banks inability to meet all its due obligations.Credit riskis the risk of negative effects on the financial result and capital of the bank caused by borrowers default on its obligations to the bank. Market riskincludes interest rat e and foreign exchange risk. Interest rate riskis the risk of negative effects on the financial result and capital of the bank caused by changes in interest rates. Foreign exchange riskis the risk of negative effects on the financial result and capital of the bank caused by changes in exchange rates.A exceptional type of market risk is therisk of change in the market priceof securities, financial derivatives or commodities traded or tradable in the market. Exposure risksinclude risks of banks exposure to a single entity or a group of related entities, and risks of banks exposure to a single entity related with the bank. Investment risksinclude risks of banks investments in entities that are not entities in the financial sector and in fixed assets.Operational riskis the risk of negative effects on the financial result and capital of the bank caused by omissions in the work of employees, inadequate internal procedures and processes, inadequate centering of information and other syst ems, and unforeseeable external events. efficacious riskis the risk of loss caused by penalties or sanctions originating from court disputes due to breach of contractual and legal obligations, and penalties and sanctions pronounced by a regulatory body.Reputational riskis the risk of loss caused by a negative impact on the market positioning of the bank. strategic riskis the risk of loss caused by a lack of a long-term development instalment in the banks managing team. Risk centering Risk Management is a discipline at the core of every financial institution and encompasses all the activities that affect its risk profile. In every financial institution, risk forethought activities broadly take line simultaneously at following different pecking order levels. a) Strategic level It encompasses risk precaution functions performed by senior oversight and BOD. For instance definition of risks, formulating dodging and policies for managing risk etc b) Macro Level It encompasses ris k forethought within a business area or across business lines. Generally the risk management activities performed by middle management. c) Micro Level It involves On-the-line risk management where risks are actually created.This is the risk management activities performed by individuals who take risk on makeups behalf such as front stance and loan origination functions. Risk management in bank operations includes risk identification, measurement and assessment, and its objective is to minimize negative effects risks can shake off on the financial result and capital of a bank. Banks are therefore required to form a special organizational unit in awaken of risk management. Also, they are required to prescribe procedures for risk identification, easurement and assessment, as well as procedures for risk management. The future Risk management activities will be more pronounced in future banking because of liberalization, deregulation and ball-shaped integration of financial market s. This would be adding depth and ratio to the banking risks. As the risks are correlated, exposure to one risk may lead to another risk, therefore management of risks in a proactive, efficient & integrated manner will be the strength of the successful banks shuttingBy taking measures the smaller banks would not comport sufficient resources to withstand the intense competition of the sector. Banks would pullulate to be a complete and pure financial services provider, catering to all the financial needs of the economy. Flow of capital will increase and mount up of bases in foreign countries will pass commonplace. Finally, the economy will stand to benefit as the banking sector develops. Savings will be mobilized in the right direction and the required funds needful for the countrys development will be made available.