Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Designing Effective Projects: Thinking Skills Frameworks Bloom’s Taxonomy: A New Look at an Old Standby Traditional Hierarchy of Thinking Processes In 1956, Benjamin Bloom wrote Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, and his six-level description of thinking has been widely adapted and used in countless contexts ever since. His list of cognitive processes is organized from the most simple, the recall of knowledge, to the most complex, making judgments about the value and worth of an idea. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Traditional) Skill Knowledge DefinitionRecall information Comprehension Understand the meaning, paraphrase a concept Use the information or concept in a new situation Break information or concepts into parts to understand it more fully Put ideas together to form something new Make judgments about value Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Key Words Identify, describe, name, label, recognize, reproduce, follow Summarize, co nvert, defend, paraphrase, interpret, give examples Build, make, construct, model, predict, prepare Compare/contrast, break down, distinguish, select, separate Categorize, generalize, reconstructAppraise, critique, judge, justify, argue, support Today’s world is a different place, however, than the one Bloom’s Taxonomy reflected in 1956. Educators have learned a great deal more about how students learn and teachers teach and now recognize that teaching and learning encompasses more than just thinking. It also involves the feelings and beliefs of students and teachers as well as the social and cultural environment of the classroom. Several cognitive psychologists have worked to make the basic concept of a taxonomy of thinking skills more relevant and accurate.In developing his own taxonomy of educational objectives, Marzano (2000) points out one criticism of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The very structure of the Taxonomy, moving from the simplest level of knowledge to the m ost difficult level of evaluation, is not supported by research. A hierarchical taxonomy implies that each higher skill is composed of the skills beneath it; comprehension requires knowledge; application requires comprehension and knowledge, and so on. This, according to Marzano, is simply not true of the cognitive processes in Bloom’s Taxonomy.The originators of the original six thinking processes assumed that complex projects could be labeled as requiring one of the processes more than the others. A task was primarily an â€Å"analysis† or an â€Å"evaluation† task. This has been proven not to be true which may account for the difficulty that educators have classifying challenging learning activities using the Taxonomy. Anderson (2000) argues that nearly all complex learning activities require the use of several different cognitive skills. Like any theoretical model, Bloom’s Taxonomy has its strengths and weaknesses.Its greatest strength is that it has taken the very important topic of thinking and placed a structure around it that is usable by practitioners. Those teachers who keep a list of question prompts relating to the various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy undoubtedly do a better job of encouraging higher-order thinking in their students than those who have no such tool. On the other hand, as anyone who has worked with a group of educators to classify a group of questions and learning activities according to the Taxonomy can attest, there is little consensus about what seemingly self-evident erms like â€Å"analysis,† or â€Å"evaluation† mean. In addition, so many worthwhile activities, such as authentic problems and projects, cannot be mapped to the Taxonomy, and trying to do that would diminish their potential as learning opportunities. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy In 1999, Dr. Lorin Anderson, a fromer student of Bloom's, and his colleagues published an updated version of Bloom’s Taxonomy that takes into account a broader range of factors that have an impact on teaching and learning. This revised taxonomy attempts to correct some of the problems with the original taxonomy.Unlike the 1956 version, the revised taxonomy differentiates between â€Å"knowing what,† the content of thinking, and â€Å"knowing how,† the procedures used in solving problems. The Knowledge Dimension is the â€Å"knowing what. † It has four categories: factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive. Factual knowledge includes isolated bits of information, such as vocabulary definitions and knowledge about specific details. Conceptual knowledge consists of systems of information, such as classifications and categories.Procedural knowledge includes algorithms, heuristics or rules of thumb, techniques, and methods as well as knowledge about when to use these procedures. Metacognitive knowledge refers to knowledge of thinking processes and information about how to manipulate thes e processes effectively. The Cognitive Process Dimension of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy like the original version has six skills. They are, from simplest to most complex: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. Remembering Remembering consists of recognizing and recalling relevant information from long-term memory.Understanding Understanding is the ability to make your own meaning from educational material such as reading and teacher explanations. The subskills for this process include interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining. Applying The third process, applying, refers to using a learned procedure either in a familiar or new situation. Analysis The next process is analysis, which consists of breaking knowledge down into its parts and thinking about how the parts relate to its overall structure.Students analyze by differentiating, organizing, and attributing. Evaluation Evaluation, which is at the top of the original taxonomy, is the fifth of the six processes in the revised version. It includes checking and critiquing. Creating Creating, a process not included in the earlier taxonomy, is the highest component of the new version. This skill involves putting things together to make something new. To accomplish creating tasks, learners generate, plan, and produce.According to this taxonomy, each level of knowledge can correspond to each level of cognitive process, so a student can remember factual or procedural knowledge, understand conceptual or metacognitive knowledge, or analyze metacognitive or factual knowledge. According to Anderson and his colleagues, â€Å"Meaningful learning provides students with the knowledge and cognitive processes they need for successful problem solving†. The following charts list examples of each skill of the Cognitive and Knowledge Dimensions. Cognitive Processes Dimensions Cognitive ProcessesExamples Remembering—Produce the right informa tion from memory Recognizing †¢ Identify frogs in a diagram of different kinds of amphibians. †¢ Find an isosceles triangle in your neighborhood. †¢ Answer any true-false or multiple-choice questions. Recalling †¢ Name three 19th-century women English authors. †¢ Write the multiplication facts. †¢ Reproduce the chemical formula for carbon tetrachloride. Understanding—Make meaning from educational materials or experiences Interpreting †¢ Translate a story problem into an algebraic equation. †¢ Draw a diagram of the digestive system. Paraphrase Jawaharlal Nehru's tryst with destiny speech. Exemplifying †¢ Draw a parallelogram. †¢ Find an example of stream-of-consciousness style of writing. †¢ Name a mammal that lives in our area. Classifying †¢ Label numbers odd or even. †¢ List the events of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. †¢ Group native animals into their proper species. Summarizing †¢ Make up a title for a short passage. †¢ List the key points related to capital punishment that the Web site promotes. Inferring †¢ Read a passage of dialogue between two characters and make conclusions about their past relationship. Figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar term from the context. †¢ Look at a series of numbers and predict what the next number will be. Comparing †¢ Explain how the heart is like a pump. †¢ Compare Mahatma Gandhi to a present day leader. †¢ Use a Venn diagram to demonstrate how two books by Charles Dickens are similar and different. Explaining †¢ Draw a diagram explaining how air pressure affects the weather. †¢ Provide details that justify why the French Revolution happened when and how it did. †¢ Describe how interest rates affect the economy. Applying—Use a procedure Executing Add a column of two-digit numbers. †¢ Orally read a passage in a foreign language. †¢ Have a student open house discussion. Implementing †¢ Design an experiment to see how plants grow in different kinds of soil. †¢ Proofread a piece of writing. †¢ Create a budget. Analyzing—Break a concept down into its parts and describe how the parts relate to the whole Differentiating †¢ List the important information in a mathematical word problem and cross out the unimportant information. †¢ Draw a diagram showing the major and minor characters in a novel. Organizing †¢ Place the books in the classroom library into categories. Make a chart of often-used figurative devices and explain their effect. †¢ Make a diagram showing the ways plants and animals in your neighborhood interact with each other. Attributing †¢ Read letters to the editor to determine the authors’ points of view about a local issue. †¢ Determine a character’s motivation in a novel or short story. †¢ Look at brochures of political candidates and hypothesize about their perspectives on issues. Evaluating—Make judgments based on criteria and syllabus guidelines Checking †¢ Participate in a writing group, giving peers feedback on organization and logic of arguments. Listen to a political speech and make a list of any contradictions within the speech. †¢ Review a project plan to see if all the necessary steps are included. Critiquing †¢ Judge how well a project meets the criteria of a rubric. †¢ Choose the best method for solving a complex mathematical problem. †¢ Judge the validity of arguments for and against astrology. Creating—Put pieces together to form something new or recognize components of a new structure. Generating †¢ Given a list of criteria, list some options for improving race relations in the school. †¢ Generate several scientific hypotheses to explain why plants need sunshine. Propose a set of alternatives for reducing dependence on fossil fuels that address both economic and environmental concerns. †¢ Com e up with alternative hypotheses based on criteria. Planning †¢ Make a storyboard for a multimedia presentation on insects. †¢ Outline a research paper on Mark Twain’s views on religion. †¢ Design a scientific study to test the effect of different kinds of music on hens’ egg production. Producing †¢ Write a journal from the point of view of mountaineer. †¢ Build a habitat for pigeons. †¢ Put on a play based on a chapter from a novel you’re reading. The Knowledge DimensionFactual Knowledge—Basic information Knowledge of terminology Vocabulary terms, mathematical symbols, musical notation, alphabet Knowledge of specific details and Components of the Food Pyramid, names of elements congressional representatives, major battles of WWII Conceptual Knowledge—The relationships among pieces of a larger structure that make them function together Knowledge of classifications and Species of animals, different kinds of arguments, c ategories geological eras Knowledge of principles and Types of conflict in literature, Newton’s Laws of Motion, generalizations principles of democracyKnowledge of theories, models, and Theory of evolution, economic theories, DNA models structures Procedural Knowledge—How to do something Knowledge of subject-specific skills Procedure for solving quadratic equations, mixing colors and algorithms for oil painting, serving a volleyball Knowledge of subject-specific Literary criticism, analysis of historical documents, techniques and methods mathematical problem-solving methods Knowledge of criteria for Methods appropriate for different kinds of experiments, determining when to use statistical analysis procedures used for different ppropriate procedures situations, syllabus guidelines for different genres of writing Metacognitive Knowledge—Knowledge of thinking in general and your thinking in particular Strategic knowledge Ways of memorizing facts, reading comprehen sion strategies, methods of planning a Web site Knowledge about cognitive tasks, Different reading demands of textbooks and novels; including appropriate contextual thinking ahead when using an electronic database; and conditional knowledge differences between writing emails and writing business letters Self-knowledge Need for a diagram or chart to understand complex rocesses, better comprehension in quiet environments, need to discuss ideas with someone before writing an essay References Anderson, L. W. & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing. New York: Longman. Bloom, B. S. , (Ed. ). 1956. Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals: Handbook I, cognitive domain. New York: Longman. Costa, A. L. (Ed. ). (2000). Developing minds: A resource book for teaching thinking. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano, R. J. (2000). Designing a new taxonomy of educational objectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Rival as an Anti Sentimental Comedy

the rivals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ as an anti-sentimental comedy Undoubtedly Sheridan’s purpose in writing â€Å"The Rivals† was to entertain the audience by making them laugh and not by making them shed tears. â€Å"The Rivals† was written as a comedy pure and simple. Though there are certainly a few sentimental scenes in this play yet they are regarded as a parody of sentimentality. The scenes between Faulkland and Julia are satire on the sentimental comedy which was in fashion in those days and against which Sheridan revolted.A brief examination of these sentimental scenes would clearly reveal that Sheridan’s intention was to poke fun at the sentimental comedy of the time. We find both Faulkland and Julia absurd. The true character of Faulkland is indicated to us by Absolute’s description of him as the â€Å"most teasing, captious, incorrigible lover†. Faulkland’s own description of his state of mind about his beloved Julia also makes him ap pear absurd. He says that every hour is an occasion for him to feel alarmed on Julia’s account.If it rains, he feels afraid lest some shower should have chilled her. If the wind is sharp, he feels afraid lest a rude blast should adversely affect her health. The heat of the noon and the dews of the evening may endanger her health. All this is funny and certainly no to be taken seriously. Sheridan is here ridiculing the excessive solicitude and concern which an over-sentimental lover like Faulkland experiences when separated from his beloved. Sheridan seems to be pleading for mental equilibrium even in the case of an ardent lover.Sheridan continues to portray Faulkland in the same satirical manner. When Acres appears and is questioned by Absolute regarding Julia’s activities in the countryside, Acres replied that Julia has been enjoying herself thoroughly and been having a gay time. Now, a normal lover would feel extremely happy to learn this. We expect the same reaction from Faulkland because he had assured Absolute that he would feel happy â€Å"beyond measure† if he were certain that Julia was hale and hearty. But his actual reaction is quite different and greatly amuses us by its absurdity.In both his interviews with Julia, Faulkland betrays the same absurdity. In the first interview, he complains to her of the mirth and gaiety that she as been enjoying during his absence. He wants to be loved for his own sake and for no particular reason and he also expects her love to be â€Å"fixed and ardent†. In short, his whole manner of talking to her and his soliloquy at the end of this scene reveals him in a still more comic light. The second interview again shows him a ridiculous light. He subjects Julia to a test in order to convince himself of the sincerity of her love.The author’s intention is to show the absurd length to which an over-sentimental lover can go, and the author expects us to laugh at this kind of lover. Even Juli a suffers from an excessive sentimentality and she too is made to appear absurd and ridiculous for that reason. The manner in which she describes her lover to Lydia shows the kind of mentality that she has. In the two interviews with Faulkland, Julia is again over-flowing with emotion. We smile at the way she behaves; we are amused by her excess of emotion; we mock at the abject surrender to her lover and her repeated attempts to make up with him.Lydia too is an over-sentimental girl though in a different way; and she too becomes the subject of ridicule in the play. Her romantic ideas and her romantic planning appear absurd to us. She wants not the usual routine marriage but a runaway marriage. Now all this makes us laugh at her superficiality and silliness. These absurd notions have been derived by her from the sentimental and romantic stories to which she is addicted. The collapse of her romantic hopes disappoints her greatly but amuses us a good deal.The manner in which the other characters have been portrayed is also evidence of the anti-sentimental character of the play. Captain Absolute is a practical man and though he assumes the name and status of Ensign Beverley, he would not like to forfeit the rich dowry which Lydia will bring him. Mrs. Malaprop is a conventional, practical woman whose attitude to marriage is business-like. Sir Anthony to is a practical, worldly man. Bob Acres is a country boor with no romantic or sentimental pretensions but towards the end of the play he shows that he is more practical than anybody else by saying: If I can't get a wife without fighting for her, by any valour, I’ll live a bachelor. † Then there is Sir Lucius who is absurd but not because of nay sentimentality. One reason why he is absurd is because of his insistence on fighting duels. But he does not want to fight duels for the sake f any sentiment. When Sheridan himself fought a couple of duels for the sake of Miss Elizabeth Linley, there was a strong emotion behind them, but here we have a mockery of dueling and we are made to laugh at the manner in which these duels are arranged. pride and prejudice:ironyIrony is the very soul of Jane Austen’s novels and â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† is steeped in irony of theme, situation, character and narration. Irony is the contrast between appearance and reality. As one examines â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, one is struck with the fact of the ironic significance that pride leads to prejudice and prejudice invites pride and both have their corresponding virtues bound up within them. Each has its virtues and each has its defects. They are contradictory and the supreme irony is that intricacy, which is much deeper, carries with it grave dangers unknown to simplicity.This type of thematic irony runs through all of Jane Austen’s novel. In â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† there is much irony of situation too, which provides a twist to the story. Mr. Darcy remarks about El izabeth that: â€Å"tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We relish the ironical flavour of this statement much later when we reflect that the woman who was not handsome enough to dance with was really good enough to marry. He removes Bingley from Netherfield because he considers it imprudent to forge a marriage alliance with the Bennet Family, but himself ends up marrying the second Bennet sister.Collins proposes to Elizabeth when her heart is full of Wickham and Darcy proposes to her exactly at the moment when she hates him most. Elizabeth tells Mr. Collins that she is not the type to reject the first proposal and accept the second but does exactly this when Darcy proposes a second time. The departure of the militia from Meryton was expected to put an end to Lydia's flirtations, it brings about her elopement. The Lydia-Wickham episode may seem like an insurmountable barrier between Elizabeth and Darcy, but is actually instrumental in bringing them together.L ady Catherine, attempting to prevent their marriage only succeeds in hastening it. Irony in character is even more prominent than irony of situation. It is ironical that Elizabeth who prides herself on her perception is quite blinded by her own prejudices and errs badly in judging intricate characters. Wickham appears suave and charming but is ironically unprincipled rouge. Darcy appears proud and haughty but ironically proves to be a true gentleman when he gets Wickham to marry Lydia by paying him. The Bingley Sisters hate the Bennets for their vulgarity but are themselves vulgar in their behaviour.Darcy is also critical of the ill-bred Bennet Family but ironically his Aunt Catherine is equally vulgar and ill-bed. Thus, the novel abounds in irony of characters. The narrative of â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† too has an ironic tone which contributes much verbal irony. Jane Austen’s ironic tone is established in the very first sentence of the novel. â€Å"It is a truth uni versally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. † As Dorothy Van Ghent remark, what we read in it is opposite – a single woman must be in want – of a man with a good fortune.There is much verbal irony in the witty utterances of Mrs. Bennet. He tells Elizabeth: â€Å"Let Wickham be your man. He is pleasant fellow and would jilt you creditable †¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the words ‘pleasant fellow’ is hidden a dramatic irony at the expense of Mr. Bennet, for Wickham is destined to make a considerable dent in Mr. Bennet's complacency. Jane Austen did not show any cynicism or bitterness in using her irony to draw satirical portraits of whims and follies. Rather her irony can be termed comic. It implies on her side an acknowledgement of what is wrong with people and society.It is interesting to note that ironically, in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, it is the villainous character Wickham and lady Catherine â⠂¬â€œ who are responsible for uniting Elizabeth and Darcy. She uses irony to shake her major figures of their self-deception and to expose the hypocrisy and pretentiousness, absurdity and insanity of some of her minor figures. It is definitely possible to deduce from her works a scheme of moral values. Andrew II Wright rightly points out that irony in her hands is ‘the instrument of a moral vision’. the rivals:comedy of manners Like typical comedy of manners, â€Å"The Rivals† has a complicated plot.There are three love-affairs in it – the Absolute-Lydia love-affair, the Faulkland-Julia love-affair, and the Mrs. Malaprop-Sir Lucius love-affair. All these love-affairs have a parallel development, so that the interest keeps shifting from one love-affair to the other quite rapidly. Again, like a typical comedy of manner, â€Å"The Rivals† abounds in wit. We have the wit of Captain Absolute, the wit of Sir Anthony, the wit of even Sir Lucius and Acres w ho are otherwise the targets of the play’s satire. â€Å"The Rivals† is an amusing satire on the fashionable upper-class of Sheridan's time. The scene of this play is set in Bath.In the second half of the eighteenth century, Bath was a famous centre of fashionable life. The manner in which Fag dwells upon this life is quite amusing. The Faulkland-Julia love-affair is undoubtedly a parody of the sentimental comedy of the eighteenth century. Julia is portrayed as an excessively sentimental girl, while Faulkland is portrayed as the most whimsical and eccentric lover. Faulkland greatly amuses us by his account of the anxieties that fill his mind regarding Julia. Every hour he is alarmed on Julia’s account. If it rains, if the wind is sharp, he feels afraid. All this is very funny.Similarly, Faulkland’s feeling upset on hearing about the gay life that Julia has been leading also amuses us. Julia’s over-sentimentality in idealizing her lover and repeated ly forgiving his faults and silly suspicions is also funny. The portrayal of Lydia is a satire on the romantic notions which young, fashionable girls of upper-class families of the time entertained. She is fond of reading romantic novels and stories. Fed on such stories, she does not want a conventional and routine kind of wedding. When Captain Absolute’s real identity is revealed to Lydia, she feels terribly disappointed at the collapse of her romantic dreams and hopes.The manner in which she recalls her secret meetings with her lover during the cold nights of January is very amusing to us. The most amusing scenes in the play are those in which Captain Absolute comes face to face with his father, Sir Anthony. Sir Anthony is portrayed as a self-willed, dictatorial kind of father who demands implicit obedience from his son. He threatens to disinherit his son, to disown his son in case his son does not carry out his wishes. Sir Anthony in his own prime of life was a gay fellow. Sheridan also makes us laugh at some of the contemporary fashions.When Bob Acres comes to Bath, he decides to discard his country clothes and to dress himself according to the fashion prevailing in the city. Then he tries to practice some French dancing steps and discovers to his disappointment that his are â€Å"true-born English legs† which can never learn French dancing steps. He is also fond of swearing and has developed a new way of swearing. We find him swearing, by â€Å"Gods’ balls and barrels†, by â€Å"God’s bullets and blades†, by â€Å"God’s levels and aims† and so on. Then there is a satirical treatment of dueling. The manner in which Sir Lucius instigates Acres to send a challenge to Beverley is most amusing.Sir Lucius gives the following argument absurdly in favour of Acre’s sending a challenge to Beverley: â€Å"Can a man commit a more heinous offence against another than to fall in love with the same woman? à ¢â‚¬  The portrayal of Sir Lucius is also satirical. Sir Lucius is an Irishman, easily duped by the maid-servant Lucy, who tells him that the love-letters which she brings for him have been sent by the seventeen-year old niece of Mrs. Malaprop. This wrong impression ultimately leads him to challenge Captain Absolute to a duel and the manner in which Sir Lucius picks up a quarrel with Captain Absolute is itself very funny.The portrayal of Lydia's â€Å"tough old aunt† is also satirical. We laugh at the contradiction in this elderly woman who puts restrictions on her niece, while herself falling in love with a tall Irish baronet and writing letters to him under the assumed name of Delia. Beverley’s description of Mrs. Malaprop as an â€Å"old weather-beaten, she-dragon† is most amusing. One of the most striking features of â€Å"The Rivals† is witty dialogue. The manner in which Sir Anthony snubs and scolds his son for disobeying his wishes, the manner in which Captain Absolute deals with Mrs.Malaprop when he meets her first, Sir Lucius manner of dealing with Acres when he instructs Acres in the rules of dueling is also witty. Humorous and farcical situations are also generally found in a comedy of manner. Captain Absolute’s disguising himself as Ensign Beverley and then unmasking himself when finally he has to face Lydia in his true character are such situations. Then there are two more farcical situations. One is that in which Captain Absolute tricks his father into believing that his is going to make up his quarrel with Lydia when his is actually going to fight a duel.The second is when David shouts to Sir Anthony to stop Absolute because there is going to be fight, murder, bloodshed and so on. Instead of moral sentiments, Sheridan gives quick and witty dialogues, fast moving actions with its highly comic situations and above all the absence of any serious complication or conflict. Right from the beginning to the end, the p lay sends the audience into peals of laughter. The criticism that elements of sentimentality have penetrated into the play is based on misunderstanding.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Abstract: Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere, namely the Earth. Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic thin film solar cells are easy to handle , inexpensive and also easy to use. Thin film panel is flexible and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the thin- film solar cell and also describe its application and how its work. Introduction: The solar cell is the latest technology around the world. The solar cell is also called a renewable energy source, because the capture the sunlight and convert it into the electrical energy. There are different types of solar cells, but the most important one is a thin- film solar cell. It is cost effective and its efficiency is greater than the other types of solar cells like thin film dye sanitized solar cell . Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere. All solar cells are made of silicon. Thin- Film Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Solar cells are made out of semiconducting material, usually silicon. The process of making a solar cell begins with taking a slice of highly purified silicon crystal, and then processing it through several stages involving gradual heating and cooling. Solar cells are based on semiconductor physics — they are essentially just a P-N junction photo-diodes with a very large light-sensitive area. Another common material for thin- film cells include Gallium Aarsenide (GaAs), Copper Indium Gallium Selenide, and gallium Phosphide. The most common types of photovoltaic cells are single-junction, multi-junction, and thin-film. A thin film panel is flexible and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity. Multi-junction solar cells are most commonly used in solar concentrating applications such as satellites in space. Today we use solar power to do many things. We use solar power for everything from calculators to large power plants that can power large cities. The most common applications for solar panels are used for small evices. The Solar cell technology research is continuing to create low-cost high-efficiency elements and the latest approaches in solar cell designs. Some countries do not have oil or do not have enough political and economic power to buy it or to produce it, but they receive more sunlight than others. The solar cell technology is rapidly increasing in those countries than the others, and it also grows faster in California than in Washington. Polycrystalline thin-film solar cells are based on those compounds which have the efficiencies up to 19. 2%. Nowadays, it is increased by 20. 4%. The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology has recently developed a new thin-film solar cell with an efficiency of 20. 4%. Those cells are based on CIGS (copper indium gallium (DI) selenide) semiconductor material. The band gap on the top of the solar cell around 1. 6-1. 8 EV. The thin-film solar cells should be design by single-junction and also two- junction devices commonly used CIGS and CdZnTe. There are four different types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) 3. Copper indium gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) 4. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPC) How Thin-Film Solar Cell Works: Thin-film solar cells are also called new generation of solar cell. This cell contains multiple layers of PV material. This new generation solar cells produce over 3700 megawatts of electrical energy in 2010. The main difference between the structure of normal silicon solar cells and thin film silicon solar cell is the thin flexible arrangement of the different layer as is shown as figure (1). The only advantage of that layer is to create a greater surface area for sunlight absorption and also it is very low weight and easy to use in cars and small devices. Figure (1) We use calculator everyday in our normal daily routine. These solar powered calculators have a small solar cell at the top corner of the calculator. These cells are built with thin –film technology. Most of them are very small about an inch long and ? inch wide. The thin-film solar cells are very thin that’s why they Called thin-film solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is different than the silicon wafer. Silicon wafer and thin-film solar cell have a light absorbing layer, but only difference is the thickness. The silicon wafer has 350 microns thick,but the thin-film solar cell has only one micron, and as result thin-film solar cell is very light weight compared to other solar cells. Thin-film solar cells are made of several layers. Those all layer helps to absorb light. As you can see in the figure (2). (Different layers in thin-film solar cell) Figure (2) On the other hand, some thin-film solar cell required the three functional layers from the multiple layers in a solar cell. These three have different important function. In the figure (a), show the front contact and back contact layers which have only one job to do and that’s is to provide the electrical contact with the solar cell from the outside the world. The figure (a) shows the basic theory of the different layer stack of the thin-film solar cell. Thin -film solar cell implemented by the different ways , but the three most common inorganic technologies are CuSe2 , CdTe solar cell, and also thin-film solar cell which has an amorphous and microcrystalline silicon absorber. There are three major types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 3. Copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). The (a-Si) solar cell is very commonly used and also easy to understand and implement it, but there are two major problems that cause this type of solar cell to have some drawbacks. The first problem is, silicon is very hard to find the market and buy it , because its demand often exceeds the supply. The second thing is, this type of solar cell has very low efficiency. This type of solar cell is also very thinner so they absorb sunlight in very less and on the other hand, they do not have enough power to absorb more. Therefore, they used in calculator and other very small and low power consuming devices. The Advantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell:1. Thin-film solar cell is very cheaper than the silicon solar cell2. They are also available in thin wafer sheet.3.More flexible and very easy to handle it.4. Less thinner than crystalline solar cell. It can be as thin . 001 mm or more, but the crystalline solar cells are . 15-. 2 mm thick.5. Easy to install on the rooftop with a rugged mounting system with tilt at a fixed degree.6. Thin film solar cells have better performance in the hot weather. See table (1) below.Table (1) | The efficiency of solar panel /%| Temperatur e /degree| a-Si thin film| Crystalline| 25 (STC)| 10| 16| 35| 8| 11| 45| 6| 6| 50| 5| 3. 5| The Disadvantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell: 1. Less efficient than the normal standard silicon and crystalline solar cell. See table (2) below. Table (2) Condition| Crystalline Efficiency Drop| Light San Francisco fog| 8%-15%| Heavy San Francisco fog| 15%-20%| Cloudy & raining| 20% – 50%| Heavy cloudy & raining| 50% – 90%| 2. They have complex structure. 3. Different version requires its own unique installation skills. 4. They are also not available for aerospace applications. 5. They faster to degrade than the other solar cells that’s why they always come with a shorter warranty. 6. They require a huge space so they are not good for most residential situations. Applications Of Thin-Film solar cell: Thin-film solar cell panels are used in many power applications. They are also used for outdoor and energy generating applications. These cells are very light weight and easy to use in homes and small business. They can be installed on the rooftops of the most homes. They use calculators, cars and other portable electronics. They are also used in cloths also enables the powering the iPod, iPad, and cell phones during the hiking. Thin film solar cells are used in mobile charger and led lights. Conclusion: The advancement of Photovoltaic thin film solar cell is increasing rapidly. The development and decisions on materials used in PV thin film solar cell are crucial when trying to achieve optimal performance for a good price. The discovery of the photoelectric effect and the concept of photons sparked interest of finding more ways to create efficient PV cells. The decisions on what materials to use in PV cells have paved the way for new developments and increased efficiency. When the first thin film solar cell was created it was around 1% efficient and with today’s innovations and engineering decisions efficiencies are now able to achieve up to 20. %. If this trend to improvement continues the way it has been over the past 40 years then the technology may pave the way for complete solar power generations . References: 1. Harris, William. â€Å"How Thin-film Solar Cells Work† 07 April 2008. HowStuffWorks. com. [22 march 2013]. 2. Mathias Aarre M? hlum. â€Å"Which Solar Panel Types is Best† Internet: http://energyinformative. org/best-sola r-panel-monocrystalline-polycrystalline

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Plan - Research Paper Example It is one of the beautiful shopping malls in gulf region. Dalal Complex is a seventeen floored building consisting of several retail shops, brands, cinema complex and restaurants. Skinfood will be situated in the first floor of the building. The entire shopping mall has abundant places for parking with a capacity of about 500 vehicles and has also astounding view. Furthermore, the shopping complex is also equipped with modern technologies, music systems and strong security facilities (Dalal Complex, â€Å"About Dalal Complex†). Products. The business will provide several skincare and cosmetic products such as makeup, cleanser, mask and healthcare products among others. These products are made from natural food ingredients and developed in its real form as product elements which comprise fruits, vegetables and other food components (Skinfood, â€Å"Products†). MARKET PROSPECT The international skincare industry has increased considerably in recent years, recording about 4% growth in the year 2009. In United Arab Emirates (UAE), the market of skincare and cosmetics products has continued to demonstrate strong dynamism, having robust growth in sales. The most important product categories in the skincare and cosmetics market are colour products, hair care products, fragrances and skincare products (AME Info, â€Å"UAE Market For Skincare Products Expected To Be Worth Dhs540.3m In 2015†). Globally, customers had spent about US$2 billion in a week on skincare products in 2011. This market is characterised by invention, personalisation and segmentation. From 2005 to 2010, the market value of skincare industry in Middle East and Africa increased from US$1.4 billion to US$2.4 billion, indicating a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of about 12% (AME Info, â€Å"UAE Market For Skincare Products Expected To Be Worth Dhs540.3m In 2015†). In Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), skincare industry had been demarcated to become doubled from 2005 to 2010 . According to the research of Euromonitor, the market of skincare products will demonstrate steady growth, where facial care products will hold the biggest market segment. The findings suggest that skincare market is expected to increase at CAGR of 5%. This growth is determined by sustained progress of UAE in monetary front. Besides, a growing number of populations are also found to pay more concentration on taking care of health. The UAE market of skincare is based on retail setting. Combined with considerable product innovation with respect to discerning customer base, the prospect of skincare products in near future continues to be positive (AME Info, â€Å"UAE Market For Skincare Products Expected To Be Worth Dhs540.3m In 2015†). Accordingly, global skincare organisations are progressively targeting the growth oriented market of Middle East and Asian region. People nowadays are providing considerable emphasis on taking care of skin and it has become one of the regular ro utine activities. Furthermore, the global skincare manufacturers are increasingly targeting customers with new product lines which can serve the requirements of this particular market segment. In the UAE, facial care products are the fastest growing market segment in the skincare industry. Facial care products are estimated to grow at CAGR 6% (AME Info, â€Å"UAE Market For Skincare Products Expected To Be Worth Dhs540.3m In 2015†). The other important market segment in skincare and cosm

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Macroeconomics- comparing classical economic theories and keynesian Essay

Macroeconomics- comparing classical economic theories and keynesian economic theories - Essay Example ion, 1930s and General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money, published in 1936 is acknowledged as the best one of his life time efforts (Skousen, 2001). This essay makes an attempt to compare the classical economic theories and Keynesian economic theories. The essay takes a descriptive approach where economic theories of two different periods are compared and contrasted from three angles, namely beliefs, theories and policies. Firstly on the basis of beliefs-Malthus, one of the classical economists believed that, if increase in population was not enough to depress the rate of long term growth it would affect the diminishing returns. And also believed that to ensure growth the government should adopt laissez faire approach which included free trade and free markets. In addition to this, Adam Smith, the Father of Economics who introduced the notion of invisible hand supported the economic activity and led to optimum equilibrium (Stoft, 2002). They also viewed if there is disequilibrium between leakages and injections then the price would adjust to restore equilibrium. In spite of these beliefs they were not much happy in the initial periods but later they had confident with them that their approaches will lead to success in the market. But all this beliefs were strongly opposed by John Maynard Keynes in his Keynesian theory. He argued that the market will not reach to equilibrium at full employment but woul d reach at any level of unemployment. And also argued that need for government was not essential to interfere in the market to manage level of demand and it was the level of output restored the equilibrium and made the leakages and injections equal through his multiplier effect. Secondly on the basis of theories-the classical economist views that free trades and free markets should be adopted to encourage growth in the market. And the government should handle the situation if there is any imperfection that prevented free workings in the market by using supply

Monday, August 26, 2019

Chem lab module 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chem lab module 7 - Essay Example The solution and the solid were separated by decantation. I divided the remaining solid available to perform vinegar. Since no bubbles were seen, the possible compounds were narrowed down to Plaster of Paris and cream of tartar. On addition of hydrochloric acid, the precipitate didn’t dissolve, thereby, confirming the solid precipitate to be Plaster of Paris. Moving to the solution part, a violet color was obtained on carrying out the pH test, which narrowed down the compounds to table salt, glucose and sucrose. On copper sulphate test, no reddish brown precipitate was observed; hence presence of glucose was not possible. The only other sugar that could be present otherwise was sucrose. I took 2g of the given unknown mixture in a test tube and added water. After decanting the solution from the solid, I carried out the identification tests separately on the solid and the solution parts. I, first, carried out the iodine test on the solid precipitate and got a negative result. Next I performed the vinegar test and observed bubbles rise from the test tube, hence confirming the presence of baking soda. In the remaining solid part, which I had previously separated into another test tube, I added hydrochloric acid. Since the precipitate didn’t dissolve, the other constituent of the mixture was identified as Plaster of Paris. I added 2g of mixture 2 in a test tube followed by 10 ml of water. After separating the solution from the solid, I performed the pH test on the solution and obtained green color. To distinguish between the possible presence of drain opener and washing soda, I added vinegar, after taking 2ml of the solution in another clean test tube. Bubbles were seen to rise in the tube, hence confirming the presence of drain opener. In the solid part, I performed the iodine test, followed by vinegar test only to be met by a negative result. The possible compounds were narrowed

Death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Death penalty - Essay Example Even though I was too young to understand the meaning completely, the issue had a great impact on me. . After long term consideration I believe that the death penalty should be legal because it helps prevent violent crime and saves lives of innocent people. Different countries view the death penalty differently. Here what I would like to talk about is the death penalty in China, Japan and the U.S. These countries are the three largest economies in the world, and they are where I have grown up and live. . Japan and China are based on Eastern culture, and the U.S is based on Western Culture. They have similarities and differences; however, they all have the death penalty. In the U.S. there are two reasons why people support death penalty, and they are retribution and deterrence. The idea of retribution is that a murderer must sacrifice his life because he took someone’s life, and the basic idea is â€Å"an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.† The idea of deterrence i s that death penalty can prevent people from committing murder. Both Japan and China subscribe to these two reasons for the death penalty, but seem to be more supportive of the death penalty than people in the U.S. ... students were the lowest and Japanese students were in the middle (Shanhe et al.). I grew up in Japan and China, and this might contribute to the reason why I strongly agree with death penalty. The death penalty may be a factor in saving lives. People make their decisions based on their costs or benefits; therefore, a person may stop himself from killing someone if he knows he may be executed as a result (Muhlhausen). It is similar to not stealing because there will be a punishment. If the punishment is execution there will be less likelihood of stealing. The stricter the law, the less and less people commit a crime because everybody fears death, even animals. Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Second, many studies have shown that executions can lead to a decrease in murder rates; and on the other hand that abolishing the death penalty increases the incidence of murder. Professor Shepherd analyzed data from 1977 to 1999 and found that the com bination of death row sentences and executions deterred many types of murders. She estimated that each death row sentence deters approximately 4.5 murders, and each execution approximately 3 murders. A second issue Shepherd examined was the impact of delaying the execution on deterrence. The numerous appeals and stays of execution that criminals request imply that they prefer lengthy death row waits. Shepherd therefore theorized that shortening the death row wait may increase the deterrence, and estimates that for every 2.75 year reduction in the death row wait for execution one extra murder could be deterred. It means that shorter term of waiting execution can save human’s life (Muhlhausen). According to the U.S. Murder Rate and Executions, the murder rate decreases when the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mercedes Cars Company in Doha Market Research Paper

Mercedes Cars Company in Doha Market - Research Paper Example This paper will present competition that Mercedes may face in the Doha automobiles market. With the help of this report, recent developments are also going to be discussed. Furthermore, the report will also present the details of entry of the organization into the market. Different financial facts and figures are going to be discussed regarding the new venture of Mercedes Cars Company. There are almost 60 automobile dealers in the Doha market. Being the capital city of the state of Qatar, the Doha market is highly competitive in nature. A number of top manufacturing automobile companies have their dealers in this particular market. It has been noticed that the market has registered impressive growth within the automobile sector. This is the reason that each and every automobile manufacturing company is competing very hard with the aim to increase their market shares in Doha. The market trends show that the demand for BMW cars is rising in the market, and as a result, BMW has register ed high selling figures. The year to year sales has increased by 30% when just considering its BMW 5 series model. BMW 7 Series model also was seen to produce higher sales in the market, as opposed to several other cars. It is very clear from the above facts that Mercedes Cars Company faces competition mainly from BMW car dealers. Apart from that, people of the city are greatly attracted to cars that do not belong to such big brands. Thus, this again points to the ever-increasing competition that exists in the automobile industry. As a result, there are lots of options in the Doha market for the public to choose from, ranging from top automobile manufacturing companies to small and newly entering brands.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

INTERCULTURAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

INTERCULTURAL - Essay Example on the positive altitude of her friends and parents, where they did not allow the intimidation of the civil rights movement to inflict fear on their children, rice was trained to remain positive in every aspect of live (The right scoop, 2010). During her interview with Kate Couric, Rice sounds positive concerning their hard task of facing their two enemies that threatened their national security. She accepts the fact that both Iraq and North Korea were dangerous in their own way but she assured her that they were going to deal with both of them separately (Schneider, 2010). The parents to Condoleezza tried their best to protect their little gal from the areas that would bring her face to face with discrimination, but though she was young, she was so much responsive to the civil rights struggle and the concerns that pertained to Birmingham. She is also seen to be actively involved in settling the disputes that existed between U.S and North Korea together with Iran. As witnessed in her childhood experiences, it is clear that Rice was an intelligent child, where her intelligence is also exhibited in the manner she handles the insecurity concerns brought about by North Korea and Iran. She believes in negotiations between rivalry communities, and dialogue with your own enemies (Schneider, 2010). After being asked by Kate on whether her government has ever taken the initiative to conduct negotiations with their enemies, she says that, they have made an effort to engage North Korea in the framework of six party talks. Having grew in a terrorism atmosphere, Rice in her interview with Kate is seen to revolve around the aspect of maintaining peace with his rivalry communities, where she is even going to the extent of involving the neighbouring communities to assist the US in convincing the North Korea and Iran to abandon their intentions of embarking on using weapons of mass destruction (The right scoop, 2010). Having seen what rivalry could bring during her early days of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Customer satisfaction in mobile industry in Egypt an empirical study Thesis

Customer satisfaction in mobile industry in Egypt an empirical study - Thesis Example Against this backdrop, it’s essential to consider the extent to which the product and service quality has an impact on customers in mobile industry in Egypt (Fornell, 2001). Customer satisfaction is the key in any business undertaking, especially success or failure of the business is mainly dependent on it. In the past, the importance of customer satisfaction was not recognized as an important metric in determining critical success factor related outcomes due to the fact that many entrepreneurs focused attention on the increase of new customers rather than retaining the existing customers. It was a pure number game. Li, Jiayin, and Huaying (2008) suggest that many companies have identified the importance of customer satisfaction especially by service-centric companies such as mobile telephone service industry on the premise that customer satisfaction is a growth factor directly influenced by the quality of service. Thus many mobile service producers in the global arena have ad opted customer satisfaction as a high priority in achieving corporate goals. Though customer satisfaction is a mental perception, many techniques and methods are developed to measure the effectiveness of it. For example, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model is an economic indicator which analyses the degree of customer satisfaction in the US. Claes, et al (1996) argue that this model has mainly been developed with five variables – perceived value; satisfaction; loyalty; reputation; and recommendation. Thus the service quality of the mobile industry depends on the delivery excellent or superior service to fulfill customer expectations, and it occurs for most services during the interaction between a customer and the mobile service provider. According to Anckar, and D'Incau (2002), the mobile service producers in Egypt have efficiently created a perceived value on the customer's mind through real value generation such as providing

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Customer Attitudes Toward Bmw Motorcycles Essay Example for Free

Customer Attitudes Toward Bmw Motorcycles Essay This final report is the finish summary version of overall information, knowledge, and data of the marketing research under the area of BMW R1200 GS/GSA motorcycles in UK. The BMW Motorrad under the BMW group has been producing motorcycles since 1923 and has providing a variety range of motorcycle styles (bmwgroup, 2012). In addition, the model of BMW R1200 GS/GSA motorcycles is a major consideration motorcycle in adventure sport style for all bikers in UK as it was named in the top ten model of new motorcycles registration (MCIA, 2011). However, The Motorcycle Industry Association defines Adventure motorcycle as â€Å"These bikes encompass trials which similar in style to Enduro motorcycles but are predominantly designed and capable for on-road use (MCIA, 2012)†. The objective of this research paper is to discover attitudes of UK customers towards the model. To be more specific, the research paper will look into the association between brand images, quality and price perception of the current riders towards this BMW motorcycle model. Moreover, the research paper will explore customer satisfaction and the loyalty of the brand. Additionally, this research paper will determine the outstanding in product value of BMW R1200 GS/GSA that it has over its rivals in the adventure motorcycle segmentation. The paper will first provide background information of conceptual model in brand equity which would provide a basic understanding of how to measure and manage brand equity. Furthermore, the explanation in the model of satisfaction towards loyalty will be discussed. Besides, the hypothesis of the study model will be illustrated. In the next section, the method of conducting online surveys and the utilization of this technique will be discussed. Thirdly, the interpretation from the obtained data will be shown in the finding and analysis section. Finally, the conclusion of the paper will be discussed to sum up the entire research paper including limitations and ethics issues. Literature review In the book, Managing Brand Value (Aaker, 1991) has defined the term of brand equity as the connection of the name and emblems to a set of assets that would increase the value of the company’s products or services. In addition, during the customers buying decision process (McKinsey 1996) has found in his research that brands affect 18 percent of total purchase decisions. Therefore, these can be indicated that branding act as one of the significant factors towards customers purchasing. However, the suggestion from (Keller, 2003) stated that the power of a brand would remain in customers ‘mind together with their perceived experiences and they will learn about the brand over time. Hence, there is the development process of strengthen the brand of a company. The figure (2) illustrates the framework of brand equity from (Keller, 2003). Figure 2 Brand Equity Framework Source: Keller, K (2003). Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall The framework provides 4 steps that involved in building a strong brand however, the hierarchy of brand equity determine that in order to move up in each level, there is a requirement from the successful of the previous one. The first level, companies have to set up a brand identity which will imply brand silence and would lead customers to aware the brand (Keller, 2003). The next step is to create an appropriated brand meaning involve either performance or imagery that related to the brand (Keller, 2003). Thirdly, it is a significant to response the judgments and feelings (opinion, evaluation and emotional) from the customers to gain brand attitudes in customers point of view (Keller, 2003). Lastly, the companies need to create a brand resonance by trying to minimize the gap between what companies think and what customers think via communication tools that would permeate put the brand into consumers’ mind, resulting in a good relationship with them (Keller, 2003). However, after building the strong brand equity, (Keller, 2003) has claimed that brand loyalty would appear to be one of the benefits to the brand. On the other hand, most companies consider the customers to be one of the significant keys to make the company successful. Therefore, (Erdem Swait, 2004) propose that the determination of successful business in long-term is to deliver the value to customers which related to (Marconi, 2000) suggestion that one of the factors which would make customers to remain loyal over brand is customer satisfaction. However, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (figure 3) will be used to explain the model of customer satisfaction. Figure 3 the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Source: (Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Cha, 2001): The evolution and future of national customer satisfaction index models. (, 2001) explained that customer satisfaction occurs from two driven factors which can affect the satisfaction either directly or going through the perceived value factor (quality relative to the expense). From those two driven factors, the first factor is customer expectation, which is the customer’s anticipation of the quality of the products in both prior consumption experience from consumer and the expectation from company’s product quality deliver. In addition, the second factor is perceived quality which determine by the evaluation of the product’s quality from customer toward the organization. However, the figure shows that there is a negative relationship between customer complaint once they disconfirm with the expectation and customer loyalty. This can be explained as the more satisfied from the customers, there is less chance in the resulted of getting complain from the customers. However, (, 2001) suggests that there is a chance of turning unsatisfied customers to loyalty customers after the compensations have been introduced to them. To conclude, in order to gain customer loyalty, the companies have to deliver the value of the products to meet or exceed customers ‘expectation as loyalty customers are more likely to create repurchase activity. The another related support to the important in loyalty of customers provided by (Reichheld.F.F, 1996) in his book, The Loyalty Effect, in which he stated that in order to bring in a new customer to the company is five times more costly than it is to retain an existing customer. Research Design The early discussion was about satisfying the customers who act as a main player of building the successful businesses as they are involve in many organization’s process. Hence, it is clear that the framework of this research paper is to focus on the importance of satisfying customers as it will create the benefit toward the company in term of brand loyalty. (Gobe, 2001) states that, there is several area of supporting customers into customers’ satisfaction such as price-quality-relation. Furthermore, (Keller, 2003) consider brand attitude in brand equity process to be a drive towards loyalty as well. This research design will be classified as causal research to obtain evidence of cause-and-effect relationships (Malhotra, Birks, Wills, 2012). These ideas made the hypothesis of the study as: H1a: There is a relationship between brand image perception and the level of customer satisfaction for BMW R1200 GS/GSA H1a: There is a relationship between quality perception and the level of customer satisfaction for BMW R1200 GS/GSA H1a: There is a relationship between price perception and the level of customer satisfaction for BMW R1200 GS/GSA H2: There is a relationship of BMW R1200 GS/GSA customers toward purchase loyalty The Figure 4 illustrates the study model involving the relationship between brand attitudes towards customer satisfaction in BMW R1200 GS/GSA and customer satisfaction in BMW R1200 GS/GSA towards brand loyalty. Methodology This research has been utilized quantitative in order to gather data under one particular model of BMW motorcycles, which is R1200GS/GSA. The objective of quantitative is to collect customer’s attitude influence factors relate to each participant perceptions. However, this survey method has introduced a set of questionnaire with 25 closed questions. The period of survey collection was between 10th November and 10th December 2012 through online survey technique under the survey site named Wufoo. The format of online survey included structure scales in a range from 1 to 5 and yes or no questions. The questionnaires have been distributed and upload onto BMW Motorrad Parklane Facebook and UKGSer page. The total respondent is 11 people which specific that have to be BMW R1200 GS/GSA riders. The questionnaires have been mainly divided into 6 sections. The first 3 questions were designed to seek for the top three requirements of participants that they consider before purchasing any adventure motorcycles. In the next section, 3 questions were designed to find the competitive advantage factors and the relative of price-to-quality in perspectives’ view. In the third section, 5 questions were used to determine the customers’ judgment toward the product quality. Moreover, there are a set of 5 questions used in search for customer feeling toward BMW R1200 GS/GSA. In addition, the others 5 questions were used to indicate customer resonance and their potential of creating benefit toward the brand. Finally, 5 questions were used to gain demographic information of respondents. Limitations The limitation of time was the major restrictive as the data collection periods is within 1 week. Furthermore, the difficultly of realizing the actual target population as some of respondents may not own the actual motorcycle in BMW R1200GS/GSA. Additionally, there are no female respondents in all of the returned forms. The scope down of the research topic into a specific model of motorcycle created an obstacle to find the right target of respondents. The post on facebook page has bias of gained non-geographic target group information as there are respondents which are not in UK. Moreover, some of the forums and websites are not currently frequently activated making the posts being used ineffectively. Finally, with the limited number of 10 respondents, resulted in low resources are being used in the evaluation. Ethical considerations The purpose of doing this research paper has been announced and posted on every websites and forums before the actual online-survey. There is a statement state clearly in term of confidentiality that respondents’ information is treated with highly confidentiality. In addition, the questions in the questionnaire under the demographic section have provided an alternative of ‘prefer not to answer’ option to allow the refusing of answering for respondents as they may have an uncomfortable condition. The collected data and information will be used in an education area only; there is no hidden purpose in either businesses or individual organization. Findings The process of gathering data took 4 weeks and there are 72 perspectives viewed of the survey in total. However, there are only 11 entries out of 72 viewed which can be transfer into 15.3% as the conversion rate. The average time per respondent to finish the survey is 3.16 minutes each. However, there is 1 out of 11 responded that is a fault data due to the location of the respondent is outside UK. In the first section, 50% of total responded consider exterior design to be considered the most when they buy an adventure motorcycle, while seat comfort is their second consideration with 40% of total. In addition, they consider bag and storage to be the third choice with 40% of the total. In the next section, 60% of total respondents have agreed that BMW R1200 GS/GSA is worth its price. In addition, 90% of them perceived that this model is more superior to other brands within the same price category. Moreover, the data explained that 70% of respondents perceived the superior fact as this model is the best in handling, while another 30% expressed the fact as the endure motorcycle. The third section is finding of the customers’ judgment toward the product quality with the full score of 5 marks. The best perceived value in quality of the model is safe follow by status symbol, quality product, trustworthy, and lowest is high performance product with the scores of 4.5, 4.2, 4.1, 3.9, and 3.6 points respectively. The data shows the customers’ feeling toward BMW R1200 GS/GSA in the fourth section. It is freedom that customer feel the most with 4.2 while fun is their second perceived with the score of 4 out of 5. The respondents share the third feeling that come in to their mind of excitement and self-respect with 3.9 point, while social approval is the last place in their feeling of 3.8 point. In the Fourth section, the data is used to analyze the customers’ resonance toward the model. However, out of 5, respondents show 4.1 point as they are happy with the model the most, while the fact that they satisfied and willing to refer the model to others share the same scores of 4 point each. Lastly, perspective expressed their love to BMW R1200 GS/GSA only 3.7 point. Finally, the data from the survey shows that all of 10 entries were male which translated into 100%. The average group is between 46-55 years old with the percentage of 80 out of total. Moreover, 50% of the total earns their income more than  £50,001 yearly while 40% of them earn the average between  £25,001-  £50,000 yearly. Moreover, 70% of respondents married and which left remaining 30% of them as single. Finally, the education fact shows that 50% of the total respondents graduated their highest education in high school while other 40% and 10% are undergraduates and master level respectively. Conclusion According to the study, exterior design consider to be the most important to customers when they buy as it’s related to social approval most customers agree that BMW R1200 GS/GSA give them that feeling. However, BMW is considering this factor as one of the main development processes make the company continuously improve a better look in designing along with new technologies attached to their bikes. Moreover, the seat comfort and storage is considered to be significant to all adventure riders. Due to a long distance in riding their motorbikes, they require a suitable seat to support their physical body and space to storage their goods. Results also show that BMW R1200 GS/GSA has the competitive advantage over the rival in the same category as customers perceived that the model has the best balance in control. On the other hand, only 60% of customers perceived this model is worth a premium price due to the less agreement that this model is a high performance product. However, customers still satisfied with the product even though, the customers have standard perceived that this motorcycle model is worth to spend money on. Therefore, it can be analyzed that there is less relationship between price and satisfaction. The relationship between product quality and satisfaction can be interpreted as there is a positive relationship between these two factors. The research shows that customers are highly consider BMW R1200 GS/GSA as a safe motorcycle and high quality product. The company has captured the most important need in every rider which is safety, and delivers the value to them clearly which resulted in gaining the satisfactions from value deliver. However, by looking at specifically to individuals that has less satisfaction, it is only the fact that BMW R1200 GS/GSA is not high performance enough for them. In term of brand image, the customers is highly involved with status symbol as the high score of 4.2 point can determine that the company has created brand association and meaning towards customers. Moreover, the company has well delivered the feeling of freedom in this product make a fulfillment in the want of adventure travelers. Therefore, brand image has positive relationship toward satisfaction. Finally, with the high number in people who are happy and satisfied with BMW R1200 GS/GSA related to their willingness to refer this motorcycle model to others. This is can be explained that there is a positive relationship between satisfaction and customers loyalty as loyalty customers would most likely to be influencers in bringing new customers to purchase the product. References Aaker, D (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, Free Press, New York, NY Aggarwal, P. (2004). The Effects of Brand Relationship Norms on Comsumer Attitudes and Behaviour. Journal of consumer research, June Court, D., Freeling, A., Leiter, M., Parsons, J. A. (1996). Mckinsey Quarterly: Uncovering the value of brands. Retrieved from Erdem, Tulin, and Swait, Joffre. (2004). Brand Credibility, Brand Consideration and Choices. Journal of consumer research,June Gobe, M. (2001). Emotional Branding. New York, NY: Allworth Press. Keller, K. (2003). Buliding, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kiley, D. (2004). Driven: Inside BMW, the most admired car company in the world. Malhotra, K. N., Birks, F. D., Wills, P. (2012). Marketing Research (4th ed.): An Applied Approach. The Motor Cycle Industry Association (2011). Motorcycle Registration Statistics. Press statistic. Retrieved from We iler, M. (2004). BMW : Exploring Customer Attitudes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Independent Auditors Report Essay Example for Free

Independent Auditors Report Essay LCC has conducted an audit of Apollo Shoes, Inc. balance sheets, the retained earnings, cash flows, and other related statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006/2007. Apollo Shoes Inc management is responsible for maintaining the effective internal controls that goes along with the financial statements and how well the accuracy is going to be. LLC has evaluated the effectiveness of the said controls and with everything to see the relevance in the timing, the substantive in quality, and the comprehensive in nature. The responsibility of our firm is to express an opinion that is supported by audit evidence in regards to the accuracy of the Apollo Shoes, Inc. financial statements. Our firm has conducted all audit related services that is accepted by the United States and the generally accepted auditing standards. The planning and performance done ensures that the audit was done to execute and obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements published by Apollo Shoes, Inc. are free and clear of material misstatement. It is going to include the examination of the evidence and/or the supporting documentation for the amounts that are disclosed and included in the financial statements. The assessment of the accounting principles that were used, how the management did their estimates and the overall evaluation of the presentation of the financial statements (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2006). Therefore, we assert that this audit provides a reasonable basis for our rendered opinions with the information that was provided by Apollo Shoes, Inc. The consolidated financial statement referred to above have been presented fairly, in our opinion, based on the LLC audit services and those of the prior auditor. While accompanied by an explanatory paragraph below, the results of Apollo Shoes, Inc. financial position of the company as of December 31, 2006/2007 the cash flows and the operations for the year are in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements of Apollo Shoes, Inc have been prepared assuming that they will remain in a going concern. The purpose of the LCC audit was not to evaluate the health of the company; SAS 59 indicated that the auditor has the responsibility to evaluate the company and to see whether the company is likely to remain a going concern (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2006). LLC have expressed some uncertainty over Apollo Shoes, Inc. status as a going concern for a couple of factors. They are related to a loss of major customers that are pending legal proceedings, which could jeopardize the organization and its ability to operate. Mall Warts, the largest customer for Apollo Shoes, Inc. has declared bankruptcy, which has prompted a reduction in the clients operating activity, workforce and now an ongoing labor strike. It is a class action lawsuit for $12,000,000 for a gross negligence and violation of warranty on the merchantability that was filed in early 2008. With the legal fees that had incurred in 2007, the financial statements do not include any adjustments that may result from the outcomes of the uncertainties that are there.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pulse Oximetry For Anaesthesia In Veterinary Practices Biology Essay

Pulse Oximetry For Anaesthesia In Veterinary Practices Biology Essay Pulse oximetry is one of the most commonly used pieces of monitoring equipment for anaesthesia in veterinary clinics today. Using a pulse oximeter allows us to monitor the percentage of haemoglobin (Hb) which is saturated with oxygen in a non-invasive way, allowing us to detect hypoxia before the patient is visibly cyanotic. The pulse oximeter consists of a probe attached to the patient (usually tongue, ear, or prepuce/vulva) which is linked to a computerised unit. The unit displays the percentage of Hb saturated with oxygen and a calculated heart rate, often with an audible signal for each pulse beat. Some units also have a graphical display of the blood flow past the probe called a plethysmograph. The pulse oximeter is able to determine the percentage of haemoglobin saturated with oxygen, commonly referred to as SpO2, by emitting red and infrared light from the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on one side of the probe, which travels through the tissue (or reflects off depending on the probe type) to the photodiode on the other side of the probe. The machine analyses the light that reaches the photodiode and is able to detect subtle differences in the absorption of light by oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin. As these differ in absorption levels, the amount of red and infrared light absorbed by blood is related to haemoglobin oxygen saturation. The pulse oximeter can calculate the heart rate as it detects the pulsations as the volume of arterial blood in the tissue changes during the pulsative cycle, affecting light absorption. Adequate oxygenation is essential at all times for the body to perform its metabolic processes. The heart and brain are the bodys biggest consumers of oxygen, and if oxygenation levels decrease to critical levels, tissue damage occurs extremely quickly. Oxygen travels in the blood in two forms as unbound oxygen dissolved in plasma and as oxygen that is bound to the haemoglobin. In healthy patients breathing room air (which contains approximately 21% oxygen), oxygen dissolved in plasma equates to a very small percentage of the total oxygen in the blood (most texts list this as less than 1.5%), and the majority of blood oxygen is bound to haemoglobin (the remaining 98.5%). Measuring and monitoring oxygenation via pulse oximetry is very useful as it is monitoring the oxygen that is bound to haemoglobin, which is what is utilised by the body for normal cell function. Monitoring SpO2 however does not give you a good indication of how well the patient is ventilating (or breathing) for itself, especially during anaesthesia. A common mistake veterinary nurses make is to presume that if a patient has a SpO2 of 95% or higher under anaesthesia, then it is breathing adequately. We can get lulled into a false sense of security by having a good saturation figure when the patients respiration is completely inadequate. There are two main functions of respiration, one is getting oxygen out of the air and into the body, and the other is getting carbon dioxide out of the body and into the air. It possible for the patient to be getting enough oxygen into their body but not being able to get rid of enough carbon dioxide, so the SpO2 will show a good reading, but the patient may be hypercapnic (elevated levels of carbon dioxide). A capnograph should be used to measure end tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) levels and assess patient respiration. Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) is a measurement of the levels of unbound oxygen in the plasma, and as discussed above, makes up a small percentage of the total oxygen in the blood. However PaO2 is important as it influences the saturation of haemoglobin because there must be an adequate level of dissolved oxygen in the blood to be available to bind to the haemoglobin. It is also important to understand that oxygen saturation and PaO2 are linked (when one goes up the other goes up and vice versa), however it does not have a direct linear correlation. As PaO2 decreases, the saturation level decreases slowly at first, but then decreases rapidly (see table **). In a patient which is breathing room air, the PaO2 is about 100mmHg, whereas for a patient breathing 100% oxygen (as for anaesthesia), their Pa02 is around 500mmHg and SpO2 is 100%. If this patient has a PaO2 drop to 100mmHg (a drop of 400mmHg) their SpO2 will drop to around 98%. If a further drop to 80mmHg occurs, their SpO2 will drop to around 95%. After this point, the SpO2 will start a more dramatic drop; if PaO2 drops to 60mmHg (another 20mmHg drop) will mean their SpO2 will be about 90%. A further drop of 20mmHg to a PaO2 of 40mmHg, the saturation will go from 90% to 75%. In practical application, when monitoring SpO2 in a normal healthy dog or cat, it should be 95-100%. Levels between 90-95% must be investigated, and critical values for oxygen saturation are below 90%.Simply, this means that the total oxygen available to the body decreases very little when partial pressures are above 80mmHg (Spo2 of 95%), however they decrease rapidly below this level, such as patients with lung disease, lack of oxygen, inadequate ventilation etc. Practically put, if you patient has a Sp02 of 90-95% this can indicate hypoxaemia and must be investigated as your patients haemoglobin is not fully saturated. If your patient has a Sp02 of less than 90%, then immediate therapy must be initiated oxygen if not receiving already, ventilation assistance etc. Sp02 of 85% or below for more than 30 seconds is considered an emergency. Placing the SpO2 Probe There are two main types of probes available on the market transmission or reflective. Transmission probes are the most common, and are usually mounted in a clip. These are generally used on the tongue, pinna, toe webbing, vulva or prepuce, or any other area that is thin and relatively hairless. Reflective probes have the light source and sensor side by side and are often taped to the base of the tail after it has been clipped, or covered and inserted into the oesophagus or rectum. When placing rectally, it is important to ensure that there are no faeces between the sensor and the rectum wall. Tongue, Cheeks, Prepuce, Vulva With tongues, start at the tip and work your way toward the base. Always direct the light downward, toward the floor; regardless of the animals position to reduce the effects of ambient light (ambient light will affect accuracy). For patient comfort, keep the tongue moist during longer procedures by applying a dampened gauze swab between the tongue and the probe. Do not have the gauze too thick as it can alter the reading by impeding the light transmission. To get a better reading on smaller tongues, bring the sides of the tongue up and pass the light through both layers. Do not fold the tip of the tongue, as you will restrict blood flow to the tongue. The same principals apply to placing the probe on the cheek, prepuce or vulva. Hock Moisten the hock area with isopropyl alcohol and/or water, and clip hair if needed. Pinna (Ear) The probe can be placed on the ear using the same technique as the tongue. Long haired animals may need a patch shaved first for the sensor to work correctly. Toes Probes can be placed on the metatarsals or metacarpals or in the webbing between them. Tail Place the reflective probe on the ventral base of the tail. The LEDs should be positioned dorsally. You may need to clip a small patch of hair, only large enough for the LEDs to lay on the skin. Be sure the skin is clean. Hold the sensor snugly against the tail and wrap with non-adhesive wrap. Poor SpO2 Readings When you detect a poor or low saturation reading, it is vital that you check the patient before you check the machine. Make sure your patient is stable by assessing all vital signs. Pulse oximeters need a strong regular pulse where the probe is located. If there is only a weak pulse, the pulse oximeter may display a reading but it might not be accurate. Most pulse oximeters have a pulse strength indicator as a bar graph and this should be used to ascertain whether you have correct placement. If the clip of the probe is too strong, this can also affect your reading by constricting the blood flow in front of the sensor. If this is the case, swapping the clip for a more gentler one is the best option, otherwise reposition the sensor to somewhere that can take the pressure (this will usually be thicker). An irregular signal caused by an irregular heartbeat or by the patient moving, shivering or fitting can cause problems for a pulse oximeter. If a patient moves too much, try relocating the probe to another location. Ambient light may be too bright for the sensor to operate correctly. Theatre lights can especially cause issues. Any sensor that is located in bright light should have a drape placed over it to reduce light contamination for more accurate readings. Do not place the sensor is on the same limb as a blood pressure cuff, the blood flow restriction from the cuff during measurement will interfere with the pulse oximeter sensor operating correctly. Other factors that can affect SpO2 readings include pigmented skin either normal pigment or jaundiced patients; peripheral vasoconstriction eg hypothermia, shock, drug-induced; or excess hair can cause interference and should be clipped away to allow the probe to sit directly against the skin. Wetting down with alcohol can also help with excess hair when you are not allowed to clip. Pulse Oximeter Maintenance Read your manufacturers instructions regarding the care of your pulse oximeter and probe. For infection control, you should always wipe the probe sensor and clip between patients. Most sensors can be surface-cleaned by wiping with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Do not immerse the sensor in liquid unless the manufacturer instructions state immersion is possible. After each cleaning and prior to each use, inspect the sensor and cable for fraying, cracking, breakage, or other damage. Inspect the clip for cracking or breakage, or loss of spring tension that would allow slippage or movement of the sensor from its proper position. If defects are noted, do not use the sensor or clip as it may provide an inaccurate reading. When used properly, pulse oximeters are an easy to use and readily available piece of monitoring equipment especially for anaesthesia, however it is important to note that they do not replace hands-on monitoring, and are not a valid method of assessing whether a patients respiration is adequate, as they provide a late indication of respiratory issues.

Hip-Hops Musical Evolution of Rap Essay example -- The History Of Rap

The hip-hop culture began in the streets of New York City during the 1970’s and has gone through tremendous changes up until now. Hip-Hop consists of four elements: rap, graffiti, break-dancing, and the disc jockey. In this paper, I intend to fully explain the evolution of rap music, from its infancy to the giant industry it is today. Hip-Hop emerged in the 1970’s upon the arrival of a one Kool DJ Herc. Kool DJ Herc migrated to the United States from Kingston, Jamaica and settled in the West Bronx of New York. Kool DJ Herc was a disc jockey that attempted to incorporate his Jamaica style of disc jockeying, which involved reciting improvised rhymes over reggae records. Unfortunately for Kool DJ Herc New York seemed uninterested in reggae at that time. This forced Kool DJ Herc to find another appealing sound in order to please his audiences, which he did. Kool DJ Herc adapted a new style, which involved him by chanting over the instrumental or percussion sections of the popular music of the day. He learned that by taking two identical records using an audio mixer, that he could play any segment over and over, there fore extending one segment for entire song (Light, 1999). In the early 1970’s and with the emergence of disc jockeys such as Kool DJ Herc, hip-hop began to spread through urban areas of New York like â€Å"wild fire.† Kool DJ Herc, who actually coined the term â€Å"hip hop,† began to realize that this was the beginning of a new genre (Light, 1999). As this phenomena evolved the party shouts became more elaborate, d jays began to incorporate little rhymes such as â€Å"throw your hands in the air and raise ‘em like you just don’t care.† With regards to Kool DJ Herc, as he progressed eventually... ...ted Light, Alan. Vibe History of Hip Hop. Book & CD ed. New York: Three Rivers Press, October 1999. Scott, Cathy. The Murder of Biggie Smalls. 1 ed. St. Martins Press (Trade), October 2000 Ogg, Alex., David Upshal., and Alexander Ogg. The Hip Hop Years: The History of Hip Hop. Book & CD ed. Trans Atlantic Publications, Inc. September 1999. Scott, Cathy. The Killing of Tupac Shakur. 1 ed. Huntington Press; September 1997 Rose, Tricia. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America (Music and Culture). 1ed. Wesleyan University Press; May 1994 Brewster, Bill and Frank Broughton. Last Night a Dj Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey; Grove Press; August 2000 Perkins, William Eric. Droppin’ Science: Critical Essay on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture (Critical Perspectives of the Past). Temple University Press, October 1, 1995 Hip-Hop's Musical Evolution of Rap Essay example -- The History Of Rap The hip-hop culture began in the streets of New York City during the 1970’s and has gone through tremendous changes up until now. Hip-Hop consists of four elements: rap, graffiti, break-dancing, and the disc jockey. In this paper, I intend to fully explain the evolution of rap music, from its infancy to the giant industry it is today. Hip-Hop emerged in the 1970’s upon the arrival of a one Kool DJ Herc. Kool DJ Herc migrated to the United States from Kingston, Jamaica and settled in the West Bronx of New York. Kool DJ Herc was a disc jockey that attempted to incorporate his Jamaica style of disc jockeying, which involved reciting improvised rhymes over reggae records. Unfortunately for Kool DJ Herc New York seemed uninterested in reggae at that time. This forced Kool DJ Herc to find another appealing sound in order to please his audiences, which he did. Kool DJ Herc adapted a new style, which involved him by chanting over the instrumental or percussion sections of the popular music of the day. He learned that by taking two identical records using an audio mixer, that he could play any segment over and over, there fore extending one segment for entire song (Light, 1999). In the early 1970’s and with the emergence of disc jockeys such as Kool DJ Herc, hip-hop began to spread through urban areas of New York like â€Å"wild fire.† Kool DJ Herc, who actually coined the term â€Å"hip hop,† began to realize that this was the beginning of a new genre (Light, 1999). As this phenomena evolved the party shouts became more elaborate, d jays began to incorporate little rhymes such as â€Å"throw your hands in the air and raise ‘em like you just don’t care.† With regards to Kool DJ Herc, as he progressed eventually... ...ted Light, Alan. Vibe History of Hip Hop. Book & CD ed. New York: Three Rivers Press, October 1999. Scott, Cathy. The Murder of Biggie Smalls. 1 ed. St. Martins Press (Trade), October 2000 Ogg, Alex., David Upshal., and Alexander Ogg. The Hip Hop Years: The History of Hip Hop. Book & CD ed. Trans Atlantic Publications, Inc. September 1999. Scott, Cathy. The Killing of Tupac Shakur. 1 ed. Huntington Press; September 1997 Rose, Tricia. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America (Music and Culture). 1ed. Wesleyan University Press; May 1994 Brewster, Bill and Frank Broughton. Last Night a Dj Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey; Grove Press; August 2000 Perkins, William Eric. Droppin’ Science: Critical Essay on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture (Critical Perspectives of the Past). Temple University Press, October 1, 1995

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Science of Love Essay -- Science of Sex Appeal

Around the world people love. They live for love, they write for love, the sing, eat, cook, die and kill for love (ForumNetwork, 2009). Since the beginning of recorded time, people have wondered why love is such an intense and universal feeling. There is no culture in this planet that does not have love (ForumNetwork, 2009). This essay will only talk about romantic love were sexuality and attraction are involved. Romantic love, is one of the most powerful energies on earth (ForumNetwork, 2009), it is indeed one on the most addictive substances we can experience at least once in our life. The rush of cocaine and the rush of being in love depend on the same chemicals in our brain (ForumNetwork, 2009); we are literally addicted to love. The feeling of being in love does not depend whether the other part loves you back or not, it will help you feel more happy that is for sure, but the intensity of the feeling loved or heartbroken is the same, they both depart from the same principle: the love and desire of the other. Love remains in the most basic system of our brain, under all cognitive process, under all motor impulses; it is placed in our reward system, the most ancient systems of all (ForumNetwork, 2009). In order to gather all the information we have got in the science of love, many researchers in different fields have cooperated to form an idea of what occurs when love happens. One of the world leading researches in this field is the American anthropologist Helen Fisher, author of many best-seller books such as why we love, or why him, why her. She has worked with many neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologist, and doctors in order to achieve a big experiment where brains of participants that claimed to be in love or hear... .... New Scientist , 36-38. Fisher, H. (2004). Why we love (1era ed.). new york, USA: Henry holt. Meyer, B. (11 de feb de 2009). Science of romance: Brain have a love circuit. Recuperado el 4 de oct de 2011, de Miller, T. (29 de dic de 2009). Recuperado el 3 de oct de 2011, de The chemistry behind a fool love.: (n.d.). Recuperado el 5 de oct de 2011, de The Science of Smell: Rooks, P. (2009). the science of love. skeptic , 15, 73-75. DiscoveryNetworks. (13 de feb de 2009). Science of Sex Appeal. ForumNetwork. (21 de sep de 2009). Helen Fisher. This is your brain on love .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Role of Women in Hemmingways Hills like White Elephants, Lawrences Th

Role of Women in Hemmingway's Hills like White Elephants, Lawrence's The Horse Dealers Daughter and Faulkner's A Rose for Emily The role of women in society is constantly questioned and for centuries women have struggled to find their place in a world that is predominantly male oriented. Literature provides a window into the lives, thoughts and actions of women during certain periods of time in a fictitious form, yet often truthful in many ways. Ernest Hemmingway's "Hills like White Elephants", D.H. Lawrence's "The Horse Dealers Daughter" and William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" each paint a picture of a woman who has failed to break away from her male companion, all describing a stereotypically dominated woman. Through submissive natures, compliant attitudes, and shattered egos the three women each struggle to live their lives in accordance to men, using only silent means of escape. In Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" we are introduced to Jig. Jig is a woman who lacks the ability to make decisions without constant approval and recognition from a man who has impregnated her but who would rather she aborts the baby. Jig, unfortunately, cannot make decisions on her own, which is exemplified throughout the story, depicting her weak and dependent personality. "What should we drink?" From the opening line of the story we are introduced to a character that questions rather than acts. Someone who is unsure of not only herself but the relationship she is involved in. Though a simple question about what beverage to order can often appear courteous, this is only the first of many examples pertaining to Jig's inability to live her life as an individual. Later she questions her purpose in life, "That's all we do isn't it-look... ... Emily's lack of ability to let any male dominant leave her life. She murdered this man so that she could have him with her at all times until she too could die. Emily never left her house, hiding from the world. Only in the company of a man would she venture out into the streets. Emily suffered from a lack of ability to let go and an uncontrollable desire to hold on to those men who would control her life. In all three stories women are represented in a tragic, pitiful light. In a society, those today supports women's abilities to be independent and live their lives as they chose once lived subordinate, dependent women. Stories such as these have helped to shape the present day's understanding of women's place in society. Works Cited  · Geddes, Gary, ed. The Art of Short Fiction. (pp.399-409) and (pp. 322-325)  · Faulkner, William. A Rose for Emily

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Puran Bhagat

The Miracle of Puran Bhagat Rudyard Kipling  (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, but educated in England at the United Services College, Westward Ho, and Biddeford. In 1882 he returned to India, where he worked for Anglo-Indian newspapers. Kipling was the recipient of many honorary degrees and other awards. In 1926 he received the Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Literature. Purun Dass is a high caste Brahmin, highly educated, and a powerful figure as Prime Minister of one of the semi-independent Native States. Then, at the peak of his career, he casts aside all possessions, takes a staff and begging bowl, and becomes a wandering holy man, ‘Purun Bhagat', depending on charity to live. At last he comes to the high Himalayas, where his people had come from, and finds a deserted shrine high above a mountain village, where he makes his home. For many years he lives there, fed by the devoted villagers, making friends with the wild creatures round about, monkeys and deer and bear, and pondering on the meaning of existence. Then one year come weeks and weeks of rain, and one night he is awakened by the wild creatures, and sees that the mountain is falling. He hastens down the hillside in the icy rain. With all the authority of his previous life, he wakes the sleeping villagers, and urges them up to high ground across the valley. They are just in time before a massive landslip. The people are safe, but the Baghat, crippled by his exertions, is dead. They build a shrine in his memory, but no-one knows that, in a previous life, he was Sir Purun Dass.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comparative Effect of Demonstration and Guided Discovery Instructional Method Essay

Teachers are increasingly facing serious instructional challenges as the diversity of students within each class room continues to widen. Patterson(2002) noted that within each classroom student of a wide academic range with different labels such as gifted, fast learners, average learners, slow learners and the low learners all face their teacher daily with full hope that their need will be met. The conventional teaching method seems not to have adequately equipped instructions with contemporary view of students. Intelligence and their vast learning capacities (Campbell and Campbell,1999). These major challenges occur mostly in Technical Education. Uwaifo (2005) defined Technical Education as the acquisition of skills and techniques in choosing occupation or profession to enable an individual earn a living. Technical Education offers various courses or programmes which includes Woodwork, Plumbing, Building, Metalwork, Carpentry and Joinery, Auto mechanics, Metal fabrication, Drafting, and Electrical installation work. All this courses are offered in Technical Colleges but these study is going to be based on Electrical installation. Technical Colleges are regarded as the principal vocational institution in Nigeria. They impact full vocational training, with the intent to prepare students for entry into the various occupations (Okoro,1993). The products of these institutions are employed as operatives, artisans, and craftsmen in industries. Grant(1979), however maintained that Technical College Education is based on the fundamental of the industrial production, he averred that the main objectives of Technical College Education is to make students familiar with most important branches of production in an industry, commerce, imparting of skills and practical competencies in handling of tools, materials and generally equipping the students with both theoretical knowledge and work habits. Technical colleges provide students with vocational competencies needed in various disciplines of producing skilled personnel needed for provision of the maximum economic security (Atsumbe,2002). One of the areas where technical colleges equip young people is in the field of Electrical Installation. Electrical installation is the aggregate of all the process involved in wiring a house, maintaining and repair of electrical equipments, machines and appliances. The graduates of technical colleges should display sound practical skills in electrical installation. An electrical installation craftsman is required to know the procedures of installation as well as causes and control measures to minimize dangers inherent in electricity use, in addition, standardized regulations, safety rules, requirements and code of practice for a safe and efficient electrical system installation provided by the appropriate regulatory bodies. Therefore for electrical installation programme to adequately meet the societal expectations at this computer age, teaching needs to be improved; this improvement includes selection of appropriate and more effective teaching methodology. Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. The variables interact as learners work towards their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviours and skills that add to their range of learning experiences. A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used methods in technical education include Lecture method, Demonstration method, Project method, Guided discovery method e. t. c But this study will be narrowed to only Demonstration and Guided Discovery method. Demonstration method is commonly used to teach operations in technical education this method helps the teacher to explain the steps involved in a lesson or an operation while teaching them(Oranu,1994). Demonstration involves showing by reason or proof, explaining or making clear by use of examples or experiments to conceptualize students knowledge. Guided discovery is largely unstructured situational method of teaching whereby students are permitted to find solutions to problem on their own or at their own pace, often jointly in group activities under the guidance of the instructor. The student receives problems to solve, but the teacher provides hints and directions about how to solve the problem to keep the student on track (Mayer,2003). This study is carried out to ascertain the effectiveness of each teaching methodology on students practical skills in electrical installation in Technical Colleges.